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Sunday, September 9, 2012

RANDOM SHOTS - Remember 9/11, Biden Big Liar, Obama Getting Ready For Second Term, Democrat Convention Dictatorship Revealed, and More!


9/11: an important day - not forgotten!

Today as in the past, my prayers go out to those you lost their lives in the 9/11 attack. I hope all do the same. It is the best part of us to remember and not let this go unforgotten - or forgiven.

And yes, I also take a moment to close my eyes and remember all of those servicemen and women, all of those unseen in our intelligence, who have gone to fight this enemy overseas - just so we wouldn't have to fight them here.

My heart goes out to the families who have lost someone, both there on that day and since, in our battle against evil.

Here is a reminder of that day for those too young, or for those who really may have forgotten why we are in the War On Terrorism: Footage Of The 9/11 Attack

And yes, I don't care how President Obama wants to soften it. It is a "War On Terrorism."

It is 11 years to the day that we were attacked by crazed Muslims determined to kill as many Americans as possible. Driven by their insane religion, a religion that seems to have a genuine love of death, senseless killing, and blood, they murdered over 3000 people.

In them, we found an enemy that is filled with hate and dedicated to our destruction.

We must not forget 9/11. We must not forget those lost.

We must stay vigil to the threat by those who would attack us.

We should be aware of all of our enemies both potential like that of Iran and China and others, right now at home and abroad.  

Biden dares: "Fact check me!" Romney Campaign Obliges And Finds Biden Lies!  

Vice President Biden told watchdog groups and others who are saying he made misleading remarks in a speech earlier this week regarding the Romney-Ryan rescue plan for Medicare – literally daring reporters to “fact check me.”

Biden put down the challenge during a speech Saturday, after saying as he did during his acceptance speech Thursday at the Democratic National Convention that GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and running mate Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan would cut benefits immediately for 30 million seniors already collecting Medicare.

“I say to the press, fact check me,” a smiling Biden said to applause at a rally in Zanesville, Ohio,

The Romney Campaign took up the challenge within hours - and found Biden lies!

“Today, Vice President Biden said that he should be fact checked, and we agree,” said Romney campaign spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg. “The vice president knowingly and deliberately leveled false and discredited attacks. This is further proof that the Obama Campaign is unable and unwilling to talk honestly or substantively about the most important issues driving the country."

"In an attempt to distract from President Obama’s failed record, including unemployment remaining over 8 percent, labor force participation falling to three-decade lows, and our national debt passing $16 trillion, Vice President Biden is once again advancing fabricated and disproven attacks on Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.," Henneberg said.

The Romney campaign released a statement with fact-checks on statements Biden made relating to Romney's tax and Medicare plans, and claims from Biden that Romney shipped jobs overseas.

Biden and President Obama made other statements in their convention speeches on such topics as unemployment and Medicare that fact-checkers said also appear to be inaccurate or at least misleading.

Among the questionable remarks were Biden's argument that "after the worst job loss since the Great Depression we created 4.5 million private sector jobs in the past 29 months" – a frequent response by the Obama campaign when questioned about the slow economic recovery.

The Associated Press and others point out that statement is misleading because it counts jobs from the recession's lowest point to where employment began to grow again – excluding jobs lost earlier in Obama's term and masking that overall unemployment has increased over that period.

"Overall, roughly 7.5 million jobs were lost during the recession that began in December 2007 and ended officially in June 2009," according to the wire service.

The Associated Press also points out that Obama said in his speech that he wants to use money saved by ending the wars to build highways, schools and bridges.

However, the wars were largely financed by borrowing "so there is no ready pile of cash to be diverted to anything else," the wire service writes.

The group listed eight instances in which either Biden or Obama "spun" facts during their speeches Thursday night in Charlotte, N.C.

The group point out that Obama boasted that "independent experts" found his economic plan would cut the deficit by $4 trillion over 10 years. However, one such analyst called a key element of the plan a ‘gimmick,’ the group said.

Other examples include the president saying U.S. auto makers are back on top of the world.

"Nope," writes FactCheck, pointing out that General Motors has slipped back to No. 2 and is headed for third place in global sales this year behind Toyota and Volkswagen.

The group said Biden misquoted Mitt Romney when he said the GOP presidential nominee "believes it's OK to raise taxes on middle classes by $2,000."

Romney in fact promises to lower middle-class taxes, FactCheck points out.

FactCheck pointed out Medicare’s chief actuary says the law "substantially improves" the system's finances and that Ryan has embraced the same savings.

So where's the big surprise, Joe Biden is a straight faced liar!

Wow, imagine that! Look at his history in politics and you're find that that is what he does.

In fact, in 1988 when he ran for president the first time, he lied about a speech her given when in fact he stole it from someone else.


Bombing In Iraq Kill 7 Police Recruits And Wounds 17 - Chicago Still More Dangerous!

A car bomb struck a group of police recruits waiting to apply for jobs in a northern Iraqi city on Sunday, killing seven and wounding 17, a senior police commander said.

The recruits had gathered in a parking lot outside a military base about six miles outside the city of Kirkuk, where they were told to assemble to apply for police jobs with the state-run Northern Oil Co., said the city police commander Brig. Gen. Sarhad Qadir.

Qadir said all of the recruits were Sunni Muslims. He blamed the morning attack on al-Qaida but did not provide more specifics.

Kirkuk, about 180 miles north of Baghdad, has been an Iraq flash point for years. Iraqi Sunni Arabs, Kurds and Turkomen all claim rights to the city and the oil-rich land that surrounds it.

Qadir said car bombs also struck two Sunni towns outside Kirkuk -- Hawija and Ar Riyad -- wounding seven people.

Sunday's attacks come on the heels of the bombings of three Shiite mosques in Kirkuk on Friday. Eight people were killed and 70 wounded in those attacks, which appeared timed to explode as worshippers were leaving the mosques after Friday prayers.

But for you troops who read my blog, please don't worry too much because Iraq and Afghanistan are both still much safer than being in Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, and New York City.


Barack Obama Says Going To Take Time To Fix Problems - Jimmy Carter Said The Same Thing!

Just as Jimmy Carter said in 1980 when he had run our economy into the ground with 21% interest rates, 16% unemployment, and a 14% inflation rate, on Saturday, President Obama said that "it is going to take time" to fix economic problems that built up over years.

And like Jimmy Carter, he says he wants 4 more years to see "if" he can fix us - or screw us even more than he already has.

"I won't pretend the path is going to be quick or easy," Obama said, sounding exactly like Jimmy Carter in 1980, as he kicked off a two-day bus tour in central Florida.

Obama called Republicans "nay-sayers" who believe the nation is in decline, saying "They are dead wrong." Of course, like Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama must be hallucinating if he thinks we're on the right path here.

Jimmy Carter saw Killer Rabbits & UFO's, Barack Obama sees a great economy and wonderful Socialist America, both are seeing things - one back then, and the other right now.

Some are speculating whether this is a push for re-election or a desire for a coronation, either way he would have more time to destroy our system of government and the society we have now.

Of course, he may be worrying that the people will see that Obama "the would be Emperor" has no clothes!

Some think the people are now seeing him for what he really is: Can you say Bullshit!

And yes, he wants 4 more years!


Confident Obama Team Already Planning Second Term

With the debates around the corner and the presidential race in full swing, the Obama administration is already planning their second term in the oval office, Politico reported, as it assesses staff and crafts legislative plans.

What might seem as overconfidence, however, has some precedent in previous administrations. Still, a host of liberal groups also are quietly planning renewed lobbying efforts to pressure what would be a "lame-duck" president to push through some big-ticket projects, Politico reports.

Among the moves anticipated:

Senator John Kerry wants to be Secretary of State, Barbara Boxer wants to be Secretary of Defense,  Andrew Cuomo is said to become the new Homeland Security Chief, Dick Durbin is slated to become the next Attorney General of the United States, and Nancy Pelosi wants the Treasury Secretary position.

Dianne Feinstein wants to be the new EPA Chief, but most say she's in line for a nomination to the Supreme Court og the United States when one of the two next judges retire during this next term.

If she decides not to run for president again in 2016, Hillary Rodham Clinton is looking for a nomination to the Supreme Court as well.

If any of this actually takes place, prepare for insane EPA Reguations, attacks on our Gun Rights, Free Enterprise, and protections against Taxation Without Representation and Warrantless Search And Seizures among other things.

The liberal Alliance for Justice, Leadership Conference of Civil Rights and the People for the American Way, among others, are focused on trying to make the process move faster to place more liberal federal judges on the bench.

Heads of the major environmental groups held a two-day retreat in July at the Wye Plantation in Talbot County, Md., to consider ways to push big cap-and-trade programs in a second term.

Environmental, gay-rights and immigration groups mindful of Obama’s own tight window for action are also working on how to get their ideas wrapped in various bills.

Obama told Time Magazine that because of his policy contrasts with Romney, he’d interpret a win as giving him a mandate to end the Bush-era tax cuts for people earning more than $250,000.

Republicans fear a second-term Obama will be an unrestrained liberal no longer concerned about his own political future with plans to raise taxes, increase the deficit, pass cap-and-trade legislation and chip away at the Second Amendment.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, an early Romney supporter, told Politico that he didn’t think Obama would be interested in compromising with Republicans after the election.

“There’s no evidence of that,” he said. “He’s had four years to do it. He’d had no inclination or desire to do it. I don’t know why we think he’d change in a second term.”

Some administration members such as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner have said they will leave after one term.

The president’s staff has been quietly meeting with Cabinet officials and senior aides to find out who else wants in or out for a second term, Politico reported and there is an expectation of “widespread turnover.”

Jonathan Orszag, a former Clinton White House economic adviser who served on President Barack Obama’s 2008 transition team, said the Office of Management and Budget is already planning the fiscal 2014 budget request.

Factored into the planning are what Congress does about the fiscal cliff, which party controls the Senate in January and how close the continued economic recovery tracks to their predictions.

“I’m sure that’s how he’s thinking through this,” Orszag told Politico. “He’s thinking what are the potential scenarios that can arise and how do we plan for each of them. It’s a wise strategy.”


L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa Defends Democrat Platform Dictated On Dem Delegates Over "God" And "Jerusalem"

And yes, at least one delegate, told NBC News, “I’m from Iraq and lived under a dictatorship  I feel like I’m back in the Middle East.."

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said the controversy over whether two-thirds of delegates approved a change in language in the Democratic platform requested by President Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention was “much ado about nothing,” according to the Los Angeles Times.

He, of course, fails to mention that half said "nay" and now they are fuming.

The mayor, who served as convention chairman, said he simply followed procedure when Democrats realized they had left the words “God” and “Jerusalem” out of the party platform and took a voice vote to rectify it.

The vote was to approve language invoking God and affirming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Villaraigosa called for a voice vote three times before declaring the amendments approved.

Despite a loud “No!” - and some boos that appeared to be at least as loud as those shouting “Yes,” Villaraigosa declared the motion to have passed by the required two-thirds vote.

“It was a lot of ado about nothing,” the mayor told the Times. Villaraigosa told the paper that when reporters told him after the vote that they did not clearly hear two-thirds support, he said, “That’s nice to know. I was the chairman and I did, and that was the prerogative of the chair.”

“Not one person objected. It’s more a media concern than a delegate concern. I can tell you this — the president of the United States said, ‘Wow.’

The president said, ‘You showed why you were speaker of the California Assembly,’” Villaraigosa told the Times. “The president, the vice president, Mrs. Obama, all of them acknowledged the decisive way I handled that.”

"Decisive?" Geeze, Villaraigosa looked like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming truck!

But then again, I'm not too surprised that the Con In Chief Obama approves of such underhanded actions!

Of course, Arab-Americans and Muslim party officials don't think its funny at all. They are fuming over how the issue was handled. They feel stabbed in the back! And yes, they should!

“I’m concerned that Arab-Americans will feel they got punched in the solar plexus,” James Zogby, the president of the Arab-American Institute who serves on the Democratic Party’s platform committee, told NBC News. “This was ham-fisted and a blunder ... They stepped all over the convention the way this was done.”

One delegate, Majid Al-Bahadli from Seattle, Wash., told NBC News, “I’m from Iraq and lived under a dictatorship. I feel like I’m back in the Middle East.”

Delegates had no heads-up of the motion and had no opportunity to debate it, he told NBC. The proposed new language just suddenly flashed on a monitor.

“I said, ‘What? What is it?’ We had already adopted the platform. You can’t just go back and change it,” Al-Bahadli told NBC News.

He said he loudly shouted, “No!” because “I believe Jerusalem is for everybody. It’s a holy place -- for Jews, for Christians and for Muslims.”

After being blasted by Republicans, embarrassed Democrats reinstated language into their party platform that recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as well as the words "God-given" that had been removed.

The platform released on Monday at the convention dropped a clause included in the 2008 platform that read: "Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel."

That platform went on to say, however, that "[t]he parties have agreed that Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations. It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths."

The party did an about-face to stop criticism. Too bad it didn't work!



Over at the American Legion, we were talking about deer season opening uo and laughing about how many green horns are out and about. Hopefully they won't mistake a cow or a horse for a deer and shoot either.

Then someone said, "I sometimes wonder if some of those folks from the city even know what a deer looks like.

So, since I'm alwasy willing to help and deer season in here, I want to help those who are out for their first time hunting deer.

Example, this is a deer: You shoot the bucks and put them in your freezer!

Known as "dinner."
Approved by PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals

On the other hand, this is a dear: You just have appreciate her beauty from afar!

Known as Sofia Vergara.
Approved of by anyone with eyes!

Story by Tom Correa

1 comment:

  1. I think we SHOULD remember 9/11 instead of worrying about the last time we watched an episode of "Modern Family". And I'm not saying that because you have a picture of Sofia Vergara that you secretly gush over. Oh, and don't tell your wife I said that, Tom, or you'll get a frying pan to the head. No, I 'm talking about in general. Because without having to look at Sofia Vergara's picture, we can focus more on 9/11. Don't get me wrong, I think she's gorgeous, but you probably don't wanna look at her photo while you think of the Twin Towers. Not good whatsoever. Well, anyway, that's my take on it. I know this will probably be buried, but that's just how I see things from my saddle. Good luck, Tom.


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