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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Obama Criminal Indictment - Part Three

In this, part three, we will start by looking at the Department responsible for ObamaCare.
Department of Health and Human Services

President Obama has made this department responsible for setting up and running Obamacare including issuing regulations pursuant to it such as the abortion mandate that requires nearly every health insurance plan to provide for free access to abortion inducing drugs and contraceptives.

This mandate flies in the face of the free exercise clause of the First Amendment as it forces employers, individuals, and many religious institutions to provide health insurance that covers items that they find objectionable under the tenants of their faith.

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is also using her position to raise funds for Obamacare from the very businesses and industries she regulates.

Secretary Sebelius is also in some hot water for violating the Hatch Act when she used her official position to campaign for President Obama at an event in North Carolina during the 2012 presidential election cycle.

Secretary Sebelius also took it upon herself to grant waivers to parts of Obamacare to various Unions and even whole states without statutory authority to do so.

Yes, it's called extortion. And yes, she can get away with it because the president doesn't see anything wrong with what she has been doing - and keeps doing.

As for Obamacare?

The ObamaCare individual mandate which requires that a person must purchase health insurance that meets the government’s approval or be fined is criminal in itself.

It was originally argued that the individual mandate was lawful under the commerce clause of the Constitution, that argument was torpedoed by the Supreme Court.

But the Supreme Court ruled that the mandate was permissible under the governments taxing authority.

There is just one problem, as pointed out in a brief by Landmark Legal Foundation, the individual mandate doesn’t qualify as a tax under any of the taxing provisions of the Constitution.

The individual mandate is not a direct, excise, or income tax, it is not a duty or import, nor any of the other things permissible under the Constitution.

In effect, you - as a free man or woman - will be penalized for not entering into a contract of the government's liking simply because you are alive.

And yes, those are only a few of the many many problems with ObamaCare.

The Department of Homeland Security

The DHS is responsible for the Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement(among others) and is thus at the front lies of both border security and enforcement of our nations immigration laws.

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and President Obama had taken it upon themselves to usurp the powers of Congress and rewrote our immigrations laws by granting people who were brought to the US illegal as children by their parents de facto amnesty.

According to the head of the Union representing ICE agents anyone who merely claims that they meet criteria for deferred deportation(i.e amnesty) are automatically given that status with no verification at all.

Reports indicate that 99% of all people who have applied for deferred deportation status have had it granted.

The criteria used to determine who is eligible for deferred status are nearly identical to those found in a piece of legislation called the DREAM Act, however neither the DREAM Act or deferred deportation have ever been approved by Congress which under the Constitution has the authority to set immigration policy in this country.

Again according to ICE Union head Chris Crane even criminal illegal immigrants and those who have assaulted law enforcement are given deferred status effectively putting the brakes on Immigration and Customs Enforcements ability to enforce the laws enacted by Congress.

Crane also alleges that DHS and Obama administration officials have threatened to punish ICE agents for enforcing existing immigration law.

The Department of Homeland Security was created following the 9/11 terrorist attacks and has been responsible for preventing another terrorist attack on our homeland.

They and the FBI failed miserably at that in the case of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev who are responsible for the April 15th, 2013 bombing of the Boston Marathon that killed three, injured nearly 100 others, and subsequent murder of a Boston area police officer.

The Tsarnaev brothers came to the US with their parents seeking political asylum after they left the Chechen region of Russia.

Years later Tamerlan would spend six months in the area meeting with a known terrorist leader.

Russian authorities would alert the US to Tamerlan and his suspected ties to terrorist and the FBI conducted a brief investigation that obviously didn’t dig deep enough.

In addition to DHS not monitoring Tamerlan on his overseas travels or re-entry into the US, they also failed to check to see if the Tsarnaev’s were eligible to remain in the US given that they were on welfare for years and that Tamerlan was arrested for domestic violence against his then girlfriend.

That girlfriend according to media reports says Tamerlan pressured her to hate the US like he did.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed in a shoot out with police following a car jacking and chase in which explosive devices were thrown at police.

The younger Tsarnaev brother, Dzhokhar, was found by police the next day hiding in a boat and had written a note in his own blood calling the Marathon victims collateral damage and claimed to have carried out the terrorist attack in retaliation for the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq allegedly writing, “When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims”.

There were multiple warning signs and ample evidence provided to us by the Russians that at a minimum Tamerlan was a potential threat, and yet nothing was done that would have prevent the deaths of those four people at the hands of these terrorist brothers and that is unacceptable.

Obama and his administration of criminal incompetents

They have to answer for what action they did and did not do during the terrorist attack on the US diplomatic compound and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya.

On September 11, 2012 100-150 members of the Al Qaeda linked group Ansar al-Sharia laid siege to the compounds with heavy weapons fire killing Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department employee Sean Smith, and CIA security personnel Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods over the course of an 8 hour attack.

During the course of the fighting Gregory Hicks, the head of US presence in Libya with the Ambassador out of contact, made repeated request for military assistance.

Those request went unanswered all the while some 30 American were in harm’s way. At no point during those 8 hours did the US seek the approval of the Libyan government to enter their airspace with fighters of helicopters to repel the terrorist.

With two unarmed UAV drones taking turns providing real-time video to officials in Washington no help ever came for our fellow Americans.

It took more than a day for a special forces unit meant to respond to this kind of situation to get out of the Balkin country they were in.

No aircraft from Italian air bases or US aircraft carriers were launched. Keep in mind a commercial plane could travel from London to Benghazi and back in the time the attack was taking place.

It is the contention of Mr. Hicks that had any US aircraft arrived on the scene the terrorist would have retreated.

That could have possibly saved the lives of Doherty and Woods who were the last to die when a mortar hit their position.

Then Defense Secretary Leon Panetta contends that no military assets could have reached Benghazi in time to help, which he couldn’t have known since no help was sent and no one at the time knew how long the fighting was going to last, whether or not there were any hostages or the status of Ambassador Stevens who went missing during the siege.

In the days and weeks following the terrorist attack President Obama, Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did the unthinkable and blamed the deaths of four of our own, not on the terrorist who had killed them, but on a little seen Youtube video.

Susan Rice would do the rounds on the Sunday talk shows blaming Benghazi on the Youtube video.

Hillary Clinton and President Obama would cut a commercial that ran in Pakistan doing them same.

Two weeks after the attack President Obama would speak to the United Nations and continued the Benghazi Youtube video line.

The problem is they were lying. During the attack Mr. Hicks and others specifically called what was going on terrorism and even named the group responsible Ansar al-Sharia.

Talking points crafted by the CIA called what had happened a terrorist attack, named Ansar al-Sharia, and documented previous terrorist attacks in the months prior in Benghazi.

Those talking points were changed by State Department officials who took out the truth and inserted the lie about the Youtube video which the Obama administration ran with.

Then CIA director David Petraeus said that he would rather not use the State Department altered talking points. Why, because they were bull crap.

Even after emails and other proof emerged that the talking points used by Susan Rice were lies Obama administration officials continued to downplay the significance of using them instead of telling the American people the truth, which was what the original CIA talking points were.

It is clear that President Obama’s reelection and narrative that Al Qaeda had been defeated and was on the run was more important than the truth.

Aside from being briefed in the first few hours of the attack by Leon Panetta and a late night phone call to Hillary Clinton, which many contend was to begin to establish the cover-up, we have no idea what President Obama did or where he was during the attack on our people.

To this day we still do not have any hard copies of orders, if any, President Obama gave.

We do not know who in the administration came up with the notion that what happened was a result of a video.

We don’t know who decided to run with the Youtube video lie over the terrorist attack truth.

And no, we don’t know why no help was sent to our people under attack which is the most intolerable action taken by this President and his subordinates to date.

These are but a few of the intolerable actions taken by President Obama and those he has appointed to various post.

Now The Last Straw!

Along with all that has been document, there are also Obama’s unconstitutional recess appointments, the failed $1 trillion stimulus, the fact that Obama has the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression, the auto bailouts, and the screwing over of GM bond holders, the multiple examples of crony capitalism including Solyndra, and dozens upon dozens more examples of government overreach.

But as a late, they all pale in comparison to the straw that has finally brought even his allies in the liberal media to take a harder look at what he has been doing to our nation.
Since compiling all of this, the government has been in a "partial" shutdown.

And yes, what Obama and his administration has done since the shutdown has started leads us into Part Four.

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