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Monday, November 4, 2013

RANDOM SHOTS - Obama Grabs More Power, New Poll, and More ...


Another Obama Power Grab!

Obama's executive order used to  takeover U.S. climate change policies

On November 1st, 2013, President Obama used his executive powers to take control of climate change policies in an attempt to "streamline sustainability initiatives".

In other words, circumvent Congress and skirt legislative oversight and push a federal agenda on states.

The executive order establishes a task force of state and local officials to advise the administration on how to respond to severe storms, wildfires, droughts and other potential impacts of climate change.

The task force includes governors of seven states — all Democrats — and the Republican governor of Guam, a U.S. territory. Fourteen mayors and two other local leaders also will serve on the task force.

All but three of those appointed are Democrats.

The task force will look at federal money spent on roads, bridges, flood control and other projects.

It ultimately will recommend how structures can be made more resilient to the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and warming temperatures.

Critics of the order charge, among other things, that it groups together everything from forest fires to heavy rains as evidence of climate change - despite scientific testimony from both sides of the debate.

“The devil is in the details,” a former senior government official said to earlier this month, referring to a recently released study that proposed the streamlining between federal and state agencies. “Who gets to decide what sustainability is? Or what its outcome means?”

Officials for the EPA released a statement praising Obama, saying it will be vital in their attempts to help local-level communities “adapt to a changing climate.”

Critics say the order has the potential to do much more, including:

• Hold back money to communities unless they meet new standards on various items and agendas set by the federal government. For example, using new policies that will encourage communities to rebuild to pre-disaster standards instead of stronger ones.

• A possible mandate to bring sweeping new changes to land use and resource policies.

• More control and refocus of climate change data and use of it to push a new agenda into every priority of the federal government.

• Create the need for a new internal organization for coordination efforts during a government sequestration and possible future shutdowns.

The task force includes Govs. Jerry Brown of California, Jay Inslee of Washington and Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, as well as Delaware Gov. Jack Markell, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin and Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn.

The panel also includes several big-city mayors, including Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter and Houston Mayor Annise Parker. All three are Democrats.

The task force builds on efforts Obama announced for his Climate Action Plan last June, which include the first-ever limits on climate pollution from new and existing power plants.

The plan is intended to reduce domestic carbon dioxide emissions by 17 percent between 2005 and 2020, but many see this as a scam!

The news release said, "The plan is to boost renewable energy production on federal lands, increase efficiency standards and prepare communities to deal with higher temperatures. The 12 hottest years on record all have occurred in the past 15 years."

But folks, that's all a lie!

Fact is the hottest years on record was during the 1930s. The actual hottest year on record is 1934.

It seems convenient that Global Warming folks want to ignore that date.

But then, if they they admitted to the truth - their whole argument and subsequent scam falls apart.

Many scientists argue there is no proven link between extreme events and global warming.

For example, Roger Pielke, Jr., a professor of environmental studies at the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research who has called for climate mitigation, argued recently that -- heat waves aside -- there is little evidence for an increase in extreme events themselves.

Take a look at this Contiguous U.S., Palmer Modified Drought Index (PMDI), 24-Month Period Ending in December, 1896-2012.

ScreenHunter_157 Jan. 11 14.55

No, Global Warming con artists don't want us to see this because it screws up their scam.

But this is not about Climate Change or Global Warming, if anyone thinks this is then I have a bridge to sell them real cheap.

We should be honest and say what its really about, it is all about the government grabbing more control. It's all about government control

The Obama White House is the most controlling administration in the history of the United States - that's not my opinion, that's the opinion of historians and scholars who see what Obama has been doing since taking office.

And yes, its scary!


Jimmy Carter now calling Obama "an incompetent loser"

As President, you know when you are in trouble when you make former president Jimmy Carter look great.

It is happening, and to the glee of Carter who has lived long enought to see some other President worse than he was, the former president Jimmy Carter has called President Obama "incompetent" in the family-friendly pages of Parade magazine.

"He’s done the best he could under the circumstances," Carter said of Obama in an interviewed published on Thursday.

"His major accomplishment was Obamacare, and the implementation of it now is questionable at best."

Carter presided over what was, until the current recession, the longest period of economic stagnation since the Great Depression.

There was runaway inflation, super high unemployment and an ongoing energy crisis. There was a hostage crisis in Iran involving the capture and imprisonment of 52 Americans for 444 days.

In the summer of 1979, Jimmy Carter gave one of the least effective speeches any president in the history of the American presidency.

The deeply unpopular “Crisis of Confidence” speech became widely known as Carter’s “malaise” speech.

Carter lost his 1980 reelection bid to Ronald Reagan by an electoral vote total of 489 to 49.

He won only six states, along with the District of Columbia.

Jimmy Carter's interview touched on several subjects in addition to Obamacare, and his wife Rosalynn was also present at the interview and contributed to it.

When asked “how he hopes history will remember him,” Carter joined the rest of America in preferring to skip over his presidency.

“I’d like to be judged primarily by our work at the Carter Center for the last 32 years,” he told the magazine. “I don’t mean to exclude the White House. But in my more self-satisfied moments, I think about our unwavering promotion of peace and human rights."

I don't blame him for wanting to exclude his White House years!

Like many Americans, I lived those days of what I call the last Economic Depression in American History. It was horrible times!

What made things worse was a boob in the White House.  These days, while the economy is a better than back then, we have a boob in the White House.

The problem with this boob though, he's power hungry!

  Obama Won't Attend Gettysburg Address Remembrance

President Barack Obama will not attend next month's event marking the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in Pennsylvania.

Officials at Gettysburg National Military Park said Wednesday that U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell will represent the administration the Nov. 19 sesquicentennial.

Jewell and Pulitzer Prize-winning historian James McPherson will share the role of keynote speaker.

Other events include a reading of the Gettysburg address by a Lincoln portrayer.

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett also plans to attend the ceremony.

Lincoln delivered the immortal words of the address at a dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery on Nov. 19, 1863, more than four months after the Civil War's pivotal battle.

More than 3,500 Union soldiers killed in the Battle of Gettysburg are buried there.

Too bad Obama sees no significances in this.


New Poll: 81% of Americans Don't Trust The Government To Do Right

Yes, that is the flip side to the new poll just out that says: Only 19% of Americans Trust Govt to Do Right

That's right. The way this was reported by the liberal news media attempts to play it down. Yes, just another attempt to deceive the American people.

The new national survey released recently found just that 81% of all Americans say they do not trust the United States Government to do what’s right for the American people.

Even during the dark days of the Great Depression and the Nixon administration, the American people had more trust in its federal government than they do today.

THIS sad state is one of President Obama's greatest legacy.


ATF Whistleblowers Could Get "Firing Squad"

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives apparently has put out a warning to potential whistleblowers, suggesting in its training manual that leaking secret government information could result in death by firing squad.

Citing a federal law-enforcement official, The Washington Times reports that the training materials not only warn that whistleblowers could be shot -- but include a turn-of-the-century photo of a firing squad in the introduction to its annual National Security Information online course.

The ATF already is under fire for its handling of the controversial Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation.

The agency also is battling the American Civil Liberties Union and Congressional Conservatives over blocking publication of a book, written by John Dodson, an ATF agent who blew the whistle on problems with the Fast and Furious program.

You remember Fast and Furious? If not, well then that should make the Obama administration very happy happy.


Obama Wants a Third Term

Legislation in House To Permit Obama Third Term

For you folks who think that your vote doesn't do any good, if he flips the House to the Democrat side, they will pass a bill allowing him to run for a third term! 

Representative Jose Serrano, Democrat from New York, keeps introducing legislation calling for a Constitutional Amendment to remove the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as president of the United States.

The current generation is H.J.Res.15 — 113th Congress (2013-2014)

In the past, when the Congressman has put forth these similar pieces of legislation, most didn't pay attention - but that's changing!

With Obama in the White House, many seeing him as a genuine threat to our Republic, now many are taking Serrano's move a lot more serious.

Americans now see that there is no limit to the depths of circumvention of our legal system or of the intent of our Constitution to which Obama is willing to go.

My belief is that that is the reason Obama is trying so hard to kill the Republican Party and return all of Congress Blue - he wants a third term.

With total control of Congress, if he can make that happen, then I believe he can somehow present an edict in the form of an Executive Order or through Democrat legislation to suspend the Constitution - or at least the law on term limits and get his third term.

His actions to inflict pain on the American people at every twist and turn, with even his own supporters getting pass their drugs and hero worship now taking note of Obama's imperial ambitions.

He doesn't want to just hold the White House for the Democrat Party, he wants to be King.

Rep Jose Serrano is just an a pawn of the White House. If it weren't him, I'm sure Obama can find another liberal jerkweed to submit the same legislation.

With Barack Hussein Obama in power, as our "Ruler" as "Commander and Chief of the U.S. military which he refers to as "my military" - Americans better pay attention to any legislation that might garner Obama a third term.


Chocolate Is Good For Us

Heart disease and cardiovascular disease kill more people every year than all cancers combined.

On "A Healthy You and Carol Alt," nutrition expert David Wolfe discussed alternative ways to battle the sudden killer.

Wolfe explained that there are common foods that can help lower your risk.

There are two foods proven to combat heart disease and lower mortality rates: olive oil and raw chocolate.

Wolfe cited studies that found, “The highest fraction of chocolate eaters had the lowest rate of heart attack.”

Now, go have a Hershey Bar and do your body some good!

Have a good day!

Tom Correa

1 comment:

  1. The idea of knowing that Obama once grabbed power like a man grabs his crotch sort of makes me cringe. But then again, anybody who grabs power like they grab their crotch makes me cringe.


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