There is no getting around how that iconic moment and the man are forever linked. How so, you ask? Well, the Marines responsible for the flag-raising on Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima were from the 28th Marine Regiment. As a Colonel at the time, Harry Liversedge was the commanding officer of the 28th Marines.
While Marines fondly remember General Liversedge as "Harry the Horse" because of his resilience, members of the small community of Volcano, California, may want to know a little more about their hometown hero. After all, he was born in the small California Gold Rush town of Volcano on September 21, 1894.
While it is anyone's guess what sort of young man he was growing up, it's a safe bet to say that he was a typical American youth who celebrated America's greatness. After all, Americans at the time saw the future as one of optimism and hope. And really, why not? We were in a period of economic prosperity. America had become the world's champion of freedom and democracy after we freed Cuba and the Philippines of Spanish tranny. And when Europe went to war in 1914, an American Expeditionary Force arrived in Europe in 1917.
As a young man, Harry Liversedge, left the quiet town of Volcano to begin his career as a Marine in May of 1917 when he was 21. He enlisted in the Corps as a Private (E-1). While I can't find information about his service in France other than the fact that he served with the 5th Marines that famously fought at the Battle of Belleau Wood in June 1918. I suspect he distinguished himself in battle.
What makes me say such a thing? Well, it's not every day that a young man enlists in the Marine Corps as a Private, and then just a mere year and a half later in September of 1918, he is commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. Yes, just two months before World War I ended on November 11, 1918, the young man from Volcano, California, was a Marine Second Lieutenant. That’s impressive to anyone’s standards.
During his career, Harry Liversedge was selected for the 1919 Inter-Allied Games, played football in the Army-Marine Corps game at Baltimore, Maryland, and later represented the United States in the 1920 Olympics at Antwerp, Belgium. He won a bronze medal in the shot put. He served at the Naval Academy at Annapolis and Quantico Virginia, took part in the Banana Wars in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, served at the Marine Barracks at Mare Island, California, and later served in China. And yes, as an exemplary Marine, he steadily moved up the rank structure.
As we know, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was attacked by the Japanese Navy on December 7th, 1941. As with all our services, the Marine Corps was hit hard that day. On that Sunday, there were about 4,500 Marines stationed at Pearl Harbor. There were over 800 officers and enlisted Marines in Marine Detachments aboard ships at Pearl at the time of the Japanese attack. The heaviest Marine losses came from the ship's detachment of the USS Arizona. Of the 82 Marines that made up that single ship’s Marine Detachment, only 15 survived.
The war would see several battles in the Pacific. By January of 1944, Colonel Liversedge was transferred to the 5th Marine Division and was placed in command of the 28th Marine Regiment. Of the battles they would see, the 28th Marines went ashore at Iwo Jima.
Following World War II, Col. Harry Liversedge was promoted to Brigadier General. He was active in the Marine Corps and was instrumental in reforming the 1st Marine Division in 1950 during the Korean War. He died at the Navy Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, on November 25, 1951, at the age of 57. Today, an athletic field on Camp Lejeune is named after him.
It should be noted that in August of 1942, Congress made the Navy Cross a combat-only decoration that follows the Medal of Honor in order of precedence. Harry Liversedge received two Navy Crosses during his career. His 2nd Navy Cross was for his actions during the battle of Iwo Jima.
And really, imagine the scene for a moment. It is February 1945, a very small black sand 2-mile wide by 4-mile-long island about 600 miles from Tokyo, Japan, is the location for one of the last great island-hopping campaigns of World War II in the Pacific Theater. It is said that the Empire of Japan spent almost 20 years constructing heavily fortified positions, a network of bunkers, hidden artillery positions, and more than 11 miles of tunnels in and around Mt. Suribachi.
What makes me say such a thing? Well, it's not every day that a young man enlists in the Marine Corps as a Private, and then just a mere year and a half later in September of 1918, he is commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. Yes, just two months before World War I ended on November 11, 1918, the young man from Volcano, California, was a Marine Second Lieutenant. That’s impressive to anyone’s standards.
During his career, Harry Liversedge was selected for the 1919 Inter-Allied Games, played football in the Army-Marine Corps game at Baltimore, Maryland, and later represented the United States in the 1920 Olympics at Antwerp, Belgium. He won a bronze medal in the shot put. He served at the Naval Academy at Annapolis and Quantico Virginia, took part in the Banana Wars in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, served at the Marine Barracks at Mare Island, California, and later served in China. And yes, as an exemplary Marine, he steadily moved up the rank structure.
As we know, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was attacked by the Japanese Navy on December 7th, 1941. As with all our services, the Marine Corps was hit hard that day. On that Sunday, there were about 4,500 Marines stationed at Pearl Harbor. There were over 800 officers and enlisted Marines in Marine Detachments aboard ships at Pearl at the time of the Japanese attack. The heaviest Marine losses came from the ship's detachment of the USS Arizona. Of the 82 Marines that made up that single ship’s Marine Detachment, only 15 survived.
The war would see several battles in the Pacific. By January of 1944, Colonel Liversedge was transferred to the 5th Marine Division and was placed in command of the 28th Marine Regiment. Of the battles they would see, the 28th Marines went ashore at Iwo Jima.
Following World War II, Col. Harry Liversedge was promoted to Brigadier General. He was active in the Marine Corps and was instrumental in reforming the 1st Marine Division in 1950 during the Korean War. He died at the Navy Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, on November 25, 1951, at the age of 57. Today, an athletic field on Camp Lejeune is named after him.
It should be noted that in August of 1942, Congress made the Navy Cross a combat-only decoration that follows the Medal of Honor in order of precedence. Harry Liversedge received two Navy Crosses during his career. His 2nd Navy Cross was for his actions during the battle of Iwo Jima.
And really, imagine the scene for a moment. It is February 1945, a very small black sand 2-mile wide by 4-mile-long island about 600 miles from Tokyo, Japan, is the location for one of the last great island-hopping campaigns of World War II in the Pacific Theater. It is said that the Empire of Japan spent almost 20 years constructing heavily fortified positions, a network of bunkers, hidden artillery positions, and more than 11 miles of tunnels in and around Mt. Suribachi.
Naval guns and an air bombardment pounded the island for three days prior to the start of what was Operation Detachment. Three divisions of Marines, thousands of U.S. Marines, went ashore to slug it out in advances that were in some cases measured in a few yards at a time. They hit that island on a Monday morning. It was 9:00 a.m., February 19, 1945.
For Americans in Volcano, California, and the rest of the West Coast, they were either ending their workday or maybe starting the swing shift that day. The fact is, when the Battle for Iwo Jima started over 5,500 miles away, it was 5:00 p.m. here on the West Coast.
By the evening of the first day, despite the 15-foot high ash embankments and massive incoming fire, 30,000 U.S. Marines commanded by General Holland Smith managed to establish a solid beachhead on the island. For the next month, Japanese defenders were dug into bunkers deep within the volcanic rocks. And yes indeed, they waged an incredibly bloody fight to keep the island. It wasn't until March 3rd that Marines controlled all three airfields on Iwo Jima. And really, it wasn't until March 26th that the last Japanese defenders on Iwo Jima were wiped out.
And let's remember, the need to project American airpower to take the fight even closer to Japan was what dictated the American decision to assault the Japanese-held island of Iwo Jima. And also, our securing Iwo Jima prepared the way for the last and largest battle in the Pacific Theater. That was the invasion of Okinawa. The Battle of Iwo Jima came at a high cost, but it is believed to have saved tens of thousands of American lives since our Army Air Corps needed to run operations closer to Okinawa and the Japanese mainland.
In the end, a little over 230 Japanese soldiers were captured. Yes, only a little over 230. The other almost 22,000 Japanese soldiers there were killed because they refused to surrender. History tells us that while the island of Iwo Jima was finally declared "secured" on March 26, 1945, at a huge cost. It is known as one of the bloodiest battles in Marine Corps history because after 36 days of fighting. As a result of that single battle, over 6,200 Marines and almost 800 Sailors were killed. And of the wounded, almost 25,000 Marines were wounded before it was over.
As for the iconic flag-raising atop Mt. Suribachi? During the battle which immediately became one of the bloodiest in the Pacific Theater, Japanese forces on the island used Mt. Suribachi as a vantage point to direct artillery fire onto the Marines. That's why soon after the start of the battle, Marines made it their mission to capture that strategic position.
On February 23, the 28th Marines succeeded in capturing the island's primary observation point which was the peak of Mount Suribachi. That took place on February 23, 1945. Yes, four full days after the battle began.
As for the now-famous photograph of the flag-raising, if you're curious, there were actually two flag-raisings. The first took place when Marines of the 2nd Battalion, 28th Marines led by 1st Lt. Harold G. Schrier, were the first Marines to reach the summit of the mountain. With them, they carried an American flag that was taken from the USS Missoula. The USS Missoula was a tank transport ship that delivered troops and cargo to Iwo Jima during the invasion.
The story goes that 1st Lt. Harold G. Schrier had been handed the flag by his Batallion's Adjutant and was told, "If you get to the top, put it up." They reached the top and did exactly that. The flag from the USS Missoula was raised by Lt. Schrier and two other Marines at around 10:30 a.m.
It should be noted that a photograph of the first U.S. flag-raising on Iwo Jima was taken by Marine Staff Sergeant Louis R. Lowery who was a staff photographer for Leatherneck magazine. Of course, it was soon brought to the attention of all involved that the original flag planted by Lt. Schrier and his men was considered too small. It could hardly be seen from the northern side of Mt. Suribachi.
Because of that problem, it's said that Marines searched for a replacement flag. According to historian Robert E. Allen's book "The First Battalion of the 28th Marines on Iwo Jima" (McFarland, 1999), the second flag, that flag shown in Joe Rosenthal's famous photograph, was delivered by USS LST-779 and measured 56 inches by 96 inches.
So, as for the famous photograph of five Marines and one Navy Corpsman raising the flag atop Mt. Suribachi, Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal took the photo. U.S. Marines from the 3rd Platoon, E Company, 2nd Battalion, 28th Regiment of the 5th Division took the crest of Mt. Suribachi which was both the island’s highest peak and its most strategic position. Staff Sgt Louis Lowery was with them to record the event.
Along with Staff Sgt Lowery, and a motion-picture cameraman, Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal met them along the way to record the raising of the second flag-raising. As for the photograph itself, it's said that Joe Rosenthal quickly photographed the Marines using his Speed Graphic camera. And here's something interesting, he later said that "at the time," he himself "did not realize the significance of the photograph."
The photograph of the Iwo Jima flag-raising was a wonderful source of motivation for our country in those long dark days of sacrifice for the war effort. The three surviving Marines in the famous photo were returned home to a hero's welcome and immediately toured across the U.S. in support of the Seventh War Bond Drive. According to historians, the Seventh War Bond Drive, because of the support from the touring Iwo Jima survivors, raised a record-breaking $26 billion for the war effort.
By the end of World War II, Rosenthal's photograph had become famous worldwide. The photograph, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1945, served as inspiration for the United States Marine Corps War Memorial, in Arlington Ridge Park, Virginia. The United States Marine Corps War Memorial was unveiled by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on November 10, 1954. Then just a few years later in 1961, President John F. Kennedy proclaimed that the U.S. flag atop our Marine Memorial should fly over the memorial 24 hours a day.
In closing, here are my final thoughts on this. It’s said that in battle, especially during such an epic battle as that which Marines endured on Iwo Jima, most acts of heroism go unnoticed. Of those that were noted, there were 27 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines and Navy servicemen there. That’s the highest number awarded in a single American battle. Of those 27 Medals of Honor awarded, 14 Medals of Honor were awarded posthumously. It is no wonder that Admiral Chester Nimitz said of those who fought on Iwo Jima, "Uncommon valor was a common virtue."
There are reasons why we honor those at the battle of Iwo Jima. We remember them, not only because of their commitment to liberty and the defeat of an enemy but also because their actions define who we are as Marines, how we Marines think, how we act, how we fight, our tenaciousness, our resolve. These are the reasons why we commemorate their deeds, sacrifice, and courage. This is why we take pride in doing so.
The photograph of the Iwo Jima flag-raising was a wonderful source of motivation for our country in those long dark days of sacrifice for the war effort. The three surviving Marines in the famous photo were returned home to a hero's welcome and immediately toured across the U.S. in support of the Seventh War Bond Drive. According to historians, the Seventh War Bond Drive, because of the support from the touring Iwo Jima survivors, raised a record-breaking $26 billion for the war effort.
By the end of World War II, Rosenthal's photograph had become famous worldwide. The photograph, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1945, served as inspiration for the United States Marine Corps War Memorial, in Arlington Ridge Park, Virginia. The United States Marine Corps War Memorial was unveiled by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on November 10, 1954. Then just a few years later in 1961, President John F. Kennedy proclaimed that the U.S. flag atop our Marine Memorial should fly over the memorial 24 hours a day.
On Saturday, February 19th, 2022, we will again have the honor to recognize the valor and the sacrifice made on that small island not too many miles from Japan. Of those moments which define greatness, that battle would brand the United States Marine Corps and Marines forevermore. The actions of those World War II Marines embody our Corps’ values of honor, courage, and commitment.
Just as the Marines did when holding their position against the Chinese Boxers in 1900 and the Marines did at Belleau Wood, the Marines on Iwo Jima set the standard for us to live by. And yes, we not only thank them for it -- we respect them for doing it. So with that, may God bless them. May God bless America. And of course, may God bless our Corps.
Semper Fi.
Tom Correa
Great article, Tom! I learned so much. Those marines were carrying on the bravery handed down from our American forefathers. Really and truly. It goes from generation to generation, as example to us who need to be brave for freedom. I think of our American Convoy of Freedom coming up in Indio soon, and that example in Ottawa, and many other convoys around the world. May the Lord be magnified for the brave and the free, past, present, and future.
ReplyDeleteI had a dream the other night that I was part of many historical events and ONE of them was Iwo Jima. I was with a group of soldiers and we were pinned down by enemy fire. The first soldier said to the second, "Hey Billy, if you make it and you get back home, what's the first thing you're gonna do?" Billy said, "That's easy, Joe. I'm gonna take that job that sheriff Dobbs offered me back in Tulsa." Joe said, "If I make it home, I'm gonna open my own pizza place. And if you guys make it out of this, you'll be my first customers." The third soldier said, "Hey Mac, if YOU make it home, what are YOU gonna do?" Mac said, "Frank, the first thing I'm gonna do when I get home is open up a theme park. I'm gonna call it Mac's Fun Land. I'll have a shooting gallery, a stage, and a petting zoo. And horses. Lots of horses." Frank said, "I'm gonna be in movies! Just imagine. Frank Nolan in 'The Sierra Kid'. That'll really grip 'em." Then they all turned to me. "Hey Benny, what are YOU gonna do when you get home?" I said, "The first I'm gonna do is marry Fifi, (my imaginary wife), appear in Hollywood films, have children, live on a ranch. start my own business, and maybe one day talk to some guy named Tom Correa on The American Cowboy Chronicles". And guess what? It happened! We all did what we wanted to do when we got back home. And I still talk to those guys every day. LOL