Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Do Democrats Want Trump Killed?

Has the Democrat propaganda machine worked? Has the Democrat Party poisoned the minds of so many that there are those who see it their "duty" to the Democrat Party to kill former President Donald Trump? Have Democrats gotten what they've been after for the last 8 years and truly incited the hate that they've wanted?

When I first heard about President Donald Trump being shot on Saturday, it didn't surprise me that much. I've sort of expected it for a long time now. And yes, besides thinking about that political cartoon above, I thought about the vile talk coming from Democrats who have demonized former President Trump to the extent that it has even surpassed their hatred for George W. Bush.

Like most of you, I remember how New York Democrats, the same sort of New Yorkers who recently took Trump to court, decided to portray Julius Caesar as Donald Trump in a Shakespeare In The Park stage play. You can read about it here, Shakespeare in the Park Show Features Stabbing of Trump Look-Alike

In short, the play was put on by Democrats who want to see Trump killed. In fact, during the play, they went about butchering the Trump look-alike on stage in the most bloody way possible. It was as if those Democrat actors were living out their fantasy of stabbing President Trump to death.

And really, who can forget the Hollywood actors who came forward to threaten President Trump. Didn't they understand that they influenced others with the same sort of hate for President Trump?

One crazed celebrity spoke about how she had thought about blowing up the White House since his election. Wannabe comedian Kathy Griffin made her threat very clear by being photographed with her holding a Trump-looking severed head and then posting it for all the world to see.

Actor Johnny Depp was onstage at the Glastonbury Festival in England when he brought up President Trump. Depp asked the audience, "Can you bring Trump here?" When the crowd began booing, Depp followed up by saying, "No, no, no, you misunderstood completely. I think he needs… help." To which he followed up by saying, "When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?" And the crowd cheered. Of course, actor Johnny Depp was making reference to actor John Wilkes Booth who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

And yes, my friends, I find it sort of interesting that the contempt that the wealthy Democrats in Hollywood and others have had for President Trump would be seen as acceptable. Of course, Democrats on their Democrat-controlled Mainstream Media outlets ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, and the New York Times and Washington Post have all accused Donald Trump of everything from being worse than the nightmare of the Vietnam War -- while also comparing him to Adolph Hitler who started World War II and was responsible for killing millions. 

Democrats accuse Trump and his supporters of being a "threat to democracy" when they are in fact the perfect example of an "Oligarchy" that is the real threat to our democracy, our liberty, and our freedoms.

An "Oligarchy" is defined as a government run by "a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution." In this case, there is a small group of people in and outside of the White House, which includes former President Obama and his staff, who are in control of the White House. And frankly, this is the only explanation of what's taking place in the Biden Administration right now -- since the world knows Joe Biden is not capable of making decisions for our nation. 

So why is it that they project what they themselves are doing by saying Trump is a threat to democracy? It's the first rule of a con artist: keep the suckers focused on something or someone else while you commit the crime. That's what they are doing. 

Can this incite followers of the Democrat Party to kill Donald Trump? I believe that's what their end-game is -- to get one of their followers to rid the Democrat Party of Donald Trump because he stands against Socialism, Communism, the Green New Deal, the collapse of American Society, the end of our liberties and freedoms, and the Democrat Party's dream of a "One-Party" rule where the Democrat Party is in complete control of every aspect of our daily lives. 

I believe that that's what Democrats want Trump assassinated. It's all about power and complete control of the American people. 

Think about it. Democrats have criminally conspired to indict him over misdemeanors that they turned into felonies. They had his home searched looking for records that he was authorized to have. They have arrested him, convicted him, charged him again and again, and they have shot him. All while still inciting their followers to try to kill him.

And by the way, this latest wannabe assassin is reported to live only 20 miles or so from President Trump's home Mar-a-Lago. Yes, Jupiter, Florida is about 20 miles, or an approximately 30-minute drive, north of President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach.

So is Trump's Assassination the Left's last resort? Think about this, the recent nutcase in Jupiter is not the only person on the Left who has made incendiary comments on social media since the July 13th attempted assassination of former President Trump. Democrats may be lousy administrators, horrible leaders, and morally bankrupt, but they are a success at what they do best -- creating fear, stoking the flames of hate, and instilling divisiveness, all while inciting their followers to think in ways that are not healthy. 

 All while getting their ilk to celebrate the death of an innocent American who simply wanted to support the candidate of his choice, and the attempted assassination of a former Republican President. And really, if they truly believe in the "democratic process" of electing Presidents, why incite such a thing as assassinating President Trump? Why create such hate as they have? 

There are Americans who believe that the Left sees assassinating President Trump as their last resort when it comes to stopping Donald Trump from becoming the next elected President of the United States. Yes, I'm one of them. I believe the Left sees his assassination as their solution to stopping former President Donald Trump from retaking the White House.

I can't help but ask if Democrats want former President Trump dead because they fear he will investigate and prosecute Hilary Clinton and others in the Democrat Party who were behind the criminal conspiracy that in reality was an attempted coup d'état which we all know as the "Russia Collusion Hoax." And for folks out there who might not have realized what took place during those Impeachment Trials, it cannot be denied that it was a coup by a small group of Democrats who were once in positions of authority wanting to overthrow a sitting American President.

Do Democrats fear Donald Trump will investigate the Democrat Party's use of the Department of Justice and investigate the Democrat Party's hold on the FBI and the Secret Service, or their use of the IRS to intimidate Americans?  Maybe they are worried that Trump will go after his political opponents the same way that they have? 

Do Democrats want to stop Donald Trump in any way possible because Democrats fear that he will expose them for what transpired at our Capitol on January 6th, 2021? Maybe Democrats are worried that Trump will request an audit of where the money for Ukraine has gone? Or worst for Democrats, maybe Trump will seek an audit of the wasteful spending on the Green New Deal?

Do Democrats want to stop Donald Trump from being President because they know that Donald Trump will stop the invasion on our Mexican border? Has the Democrat Party base eroded so much that they've needed to import 25 Million Illegal Aliens into the United States under Joe Biden? 

Do Democrats want him to launch a formal investigation to find out who was behind the plot to kill him in Butler, Pennsylvania? Why was the would-be assassin seen for over an hour and no one took action?

Why didn't the Secret Service do their job? Was the Secret Service part of a conspiracy to assassinate former President Trump? If not, then why would the supposed top protection service in the nation be so inept to do what most county sheriff's offices are capable of doing -- coordinating security and taking out threats? Why was that so hard to do? So hard that the Secret Service got one man killed and three others wounded, why is that?  

If you don't think Democrats want Trump killed, ask yourself why Democrats introduced legislation back in April of 2024 that would have stripped former President Trump of his Secret Service protection? 

Representative Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat and ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, brought forth the "Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act"—or the DISGRACED Act — that would terminate Secret Service protection for individuals convicted of either state or local felonies. This was a direct attempt to make Trump a sitting duck for Democrat Party followers wanting to kill him. 

Thompson specifically mentioned Trump as someone whose protection privileges would be affected should he be found guilty as the former president faces four criminal indictments. In April, Donald Trump was the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee. He became the first former president in U.S. history to stand trial in a criminal case. Democrats tried to use that to pull Trump's security detail. 

Eight Democrats co-sponsored the bill. They were Representatives Troy Carter of Louisiana, Barbara Lee of California, Frederica Wilson of Florida, Yvette Clarke of New York, Bonnie Watson Coleman of New Jersey, Jasmine Crockett of Texas, Joyce Beatty of Ohio, and Steve Cohen of Tennessee. Why would they do that? 

To me, and I'm sure millions of others, the Democrats want his protection stripped because they obviously want him killed. 

Secret Service protection for presidents, other high-level officials, and select family members of those officials dates to 1901. Following the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, Secret Service protection was expanded to major-party presidential nominees. Major presidential and vice presidential candidates, along with their spouses, are also offered Secret Service protection within 120 days of a general election. From what we saw in Butler, Pennsylvania, Secret Service protection is not that great. This makes me think that maybe Trump should supplement his security detail with people who want to keep him alive. 

By the way, the Department of Justice which is controlled by Democrats is trying to say that it's the Right, former President Trump, MAGA Trump supporters, Christians, Conservatives, and even members of our military who are a threat to democracy. 

But, where is their proof of such an assertion? Nowhere. It's just more projected propaganda that came out of the Democrat Party in charge of the Department of Justice. Nothing to substantiate their claims, and no mention of the threats coming from terrorist groups like ANTIFA and BLM -- which in itself should show the lack of credibility it has. 

Remember, within minutes of the assassination attempt on former President Trump, Democrats were posting on Social Media how they were sad that the would-be assassin missed killing Trump. And also keep in mind that it's been Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and followers of the Democrat Party who have laid the groundwork for their followers to attempt such a thing as killing Trump. Biden, Harris, the Democrat Party, and their minion in the Mainstream Media have portrayed Trump as "America's Public Enemy Number One." 

Yes, by repeatedly calling Donald Trump "an Autocrat who poses a grave threat to democracy," Democrats have inspired crazies to act out their strange fantasy of killing Trump. Yes, they have done so in the exact same way that Democrats inspired New York Democrats to portray Julius Caesar as Donald Trump in a Shakespeare In The Park stage play where they go about butchering the Trump look-alike on stage in the most bloody way possible. It was a play made for Democrats who wanted to live out their fantasy of killing President Trump. No, not much different than what the would-be assassin did in Butler, Pennsylvania, in real life.

So no, as sad as it is to say, I wasn't surprised that an attempt was made on former President Trump's life. I've believed for a long time that Democrats have tried to incite one of their followers to assassinate former President Donald Trump. It seems that this was all just a matter of time. It was just a matter of time before some nutcase who drank the Leftist Kool-Aid and believed all of the hate-filled rhetoric, outright lies, and distortions of facts coming from Democrats would attempt to do something so vile.

Yes, that's the way I see it.  

Tom Correa

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Democrats Change Puppets In The White House

Story by Terry McGahey

Most of us realize that Biden, who I will not refer to as president, is not fit for the job and hasn’t been for quite some time now. His mind isn’t all there at times, he stumbles up and down stairs and can’t even give a reasonable reply to questions such as the disastrous debate he had with Trump.

The reason I will never refer to Biden as president is simple. There is no doubt in my mind that this administration is being run by the likes of Obama, the Clintons, Pelosi, Shummer, and many others within the highest levels of the Democrat party regime. Biden is nothing more than a puppet to what is called the deep state, they pull the strings and he dances to their tune.

Now that the Demo-Rats are leaving Biden just as though rats will quickly leave a sinking ship they can no longer pull the Biden strings in a successful manner with his diminishing health and cognizance. Many people across the country are waking up to the sham government we have been living under for the past almost four years and it’s about time!

If you notice even some of the old-time Democrat voters are waking up to this travesty of government and socialists we call our leaders. Better words rather than leaders would be treasonous criminals! In a world not that far removed in time of our own, it’s possible many of these people would have been hung or jailed back in the day of our founding fathers.

As we now know, Biden will not be the Democrat nominee for the 2024 election. Who knows which cat they will pull out of the bag to run against Trump. Harris or not, it makes no difference because anyone with any sense at all knows that whoever they choose the deep state will still pull the strings and make them dance to their tune of socialism and the further destruction of our great nation, all for their gratification of control, power, and riches.

It truly does my heart good to see that people of all races are beginning to realize just how far the deep blue state will go in their desire to turn this nation into a third-world country with them in total control. Who was it that backed the KKK? Who was it that wrote the Jim Crow laws? Who has been keeping the heels of their boots on the necks of the black population? Democrats in all three cases!

For years now, the Democrats have promised the black population and the Hispanic population to make things better. Still, as the Native Americans used to say, "It’s only words upon the winds." They will say anything and lie about anything just to get their votes. Afterward, they just revert back to their personal agendas, the proof is in the history of their actions.

In closing, I would like to ask everyone to get out and vote for Trump. No matter if you like him personally or not because at this time of our history, he is the only chance we have to save our great nation. 

God bless America!

About the Author

Terry McGahey
Associate Writer/ Old West Historian

Terry has been a working cowboy, a writer, and an Old West historian. He is best known for his fight against the City of Tombstone and its historic City Ordinance Number 9.

He was instrumental in getting the famous Tombstone City Ordinance Number 9 repealed while at the same time forcing the City of Tombstone to fall in line and comply with the laws of the State of Arizona.

If you care to read how he fought Tombstone's City Hall and won, check out:

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Democrats Applaud Assassins Of Republican Presidents

After a shot ripped through his ear less than a quarter of an inch away for slamming into the side of his head, former President Donald Trump had the presence of mind to duck and get down low behind his podium. At that same time, while other shots rang out in his direction, former President Trump's Secret Service detail became a human shield for the former president before rushing him away. 

While that was taking place in Butler, Pennsylvania, I was part of a group of volunteers at an event in Murphys, California. I heard about it secondhand from someone who heard about it on the radio. My response was, "Is President Trump okay? Please tell me he wasn't killed."  

I was told that he was wounded and rushed away. I then got a call from my wife telling me what happened and how the assassin's bullet came so close to hitting him in the head that the bullet ripped through his ear just as he turned his head. Turning his head to look to his right at that moment actually saved his life. 

It's interesting what we think about after something like that takes place. As for me, in another year or so, I will turn 70 years old, and after hearing about the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, I started thinking about how I was in the Second Grade and just a kid growing up in Hawaii in 1963 when we all heard about President John F. Kennedy being assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

I remember how the teachers told us that our parents would be there soon to take us out of school that day. I remember my grandfather picking me up from school. I remember thinking how strange that was since my brother and I always walked to school. I remember getting home and seeing my Mom and Grandmother in tears. I remember how a lot of people cried that day. It seemed like the entire nation cried that day. And no, I don't remember if anyone was a Democrat or a Republican that day. I really believe we were all Americans at the time.   

It wasn't that many years later in 1968 when his brother Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. He was shot and killed in a hotel in Los Angeles. Believe it or not, he was shot dead because he supported Israel. Even back then Israel had to fight to survive. And if you've come to the same conclusion as I have about Israel, you know as well as I do that they are surrounded by enemies. 

Years later, in 1975, I was in the Marine Corps and overseas when I heard about some crazy woman, a follower of Charles Manson, who tried to shoot President Gerald Ford in Sacramento, California. It seemed like it was only a couple of weeks later when I heard that another maniac, also a woman, tried to shoot President Ford again. The second time was in San Fransisco. 

In that second attempt on his life, President Ford was just leaving the St. Francis Hotel in downtown San Francisco, when that crazy woman standing across the street fired a shot at him. The shot just missed President Ford. And no, I don't remember anyone saying things like "Too bad they missed" like I did when, in 1981, President Ronald Reagan was shot outside the Washington Hilton by a nutcase who was supposedly in love with some actress. 

When that insane young man opened fire on President Reagan, he also shot James Brady, Thomas Delahanty, and Tim McCarthy. In that assassination attempt, it was said at the time that President Reagan was "right on the margin of death" when he arrived at George Washington University Hospital. Fortunately for America, President Reagan underwent surgery and recovered from a broken rib, a punctured lung, and internal bleeding. 

I was working full-time as a security supervisor and consultant in the San Francisco Bay Area in the early 1980s. Because I was holding down a full course load at a local junior college during the day, I worked the swing shift and graves at night. I actually enjoyed working in private security because it was always different and my job of checking on security guards took me all over the East Bay from the worse parts of Richmond and Oakland and Berkeley all the way over to the Livermore Valley and down to San Jose. It was a big district. 

I remember how I met a lot of people who hated President Reagan. Many said things like how it was "a shame he lived" and "maybe they'll get him next time." 

Of course, like I said, I was also attending a local junior college at the time. Yes, I was trying to learn all of the things that I should have learned in High School but didn't. The week after President Reagan was shot, it seemed like most of the students and almost all of the teachers that I came in contact with were talking about it. I remember there being a lot of jokes going around campus. All were empty of any sort of empathy, humanity, or basic kindness.

While I thought there should have been some sort of discussion about how the hate for President Reagan may have attributed to the would-be assassin's decision to try to kill the president, no one was talking about that. I was very surprised that many of the people on campus, students and teachers alike, those who were supposed "very educated and intelligent" were in fact as callous as could be. I remember thinking how most there, especially the teachers, had zero compassion and were loaded with hate for anyone who was a Republican, Christian, Catholic, or Conservative. 

I thought there should have been some sort of sentiment of sadness over President Reagan and the three others being shot. But there wasn't. And frankly, it was then that I started to take note of the students and faculty who were making jokes about how sad it was that the assassin didn't kill President Reagan. 

And yes, I knew a student at the time who was still wearing a black armband because he was in mourning and was so deeply upset about Beatle John Lennon being killed in New York in December of 1980. But, just a few months later in March of 1981, while still wearing his black armband, he acted as though he was filled with joy when hearing that someone tried to kill President Reagan. It was back then that I started to really understand how the Left hates anyone not like them. 

As for their hate and demonizing President Donald Trump? 

Democrats have zero compassion for Donald Trump even though he was almost killed. They have zero compassion for Corey Comperatore, age 50, who was killed while trying to shield his family from the assassin. In fact, there are some Democrats who took to social media to say they are happy that Mr. Comperatore was killed. The Left has echoed that despicable sentiment showing the world that they also have zero compassion for David Dutch, age 57, and James Copenhaver, age 74, who were both shot and are now fighting for their lives.

Let's make something clear. It's one thing to disagree with a President's policies and it's another to hate a President just because your political party tells you to. The Left, the Democrat Party, hasn't cared about focusing on the issues or policies. All they have cared about is comparing him to Adolf Hitler and creating hatred for him. Projecting their own greed and authoritarian desires, the Left has painted Donald Trump as a "Dictator," a man only interested in power, a man wanting to destroy America. Too bad for them that Americans are not as blind to the truth as they wish we were.

And really, think about it, how does their portrayal of Donald Trump as some sort of diabolically evil jibe with the reality of what Donald Trump did when in office? How can the Left legitimize their hate when Donald Trump puts American interests ahead of others? How can they if they look at what he did while in office? Not what the Democrat propagandists say he did, but all the good that he did for Americans. 

As sad as it is, the Left depends on the help of the uneducated, the ignorant, the haters, and the uninformed to get their vile messages to take root. It's been proven time and time again that most Democrats merely parrot the Democrat Party's hateful propaganda. 

Most Democrats are completely oblivious of what Trump's policies are. The reason is that they listen to anti-Trump sources who want to distort how Donald Trump wants to put the interest of Americans ahead of the interest of the rest of the world -- something which we should all be for. 

The same ruthless lack of humanity that came from the Democrats when President Reagan was shot is the same sort of vile hatred coming from the Left since President Trump was shot. The hate coming from the Left is horrible, just horrible, and what's worse is the hatefulness from the Left has Democrats now applauding those who attempt to assassinate a Republican President. Check out the following examples of hate speech taken from social media Facebook:

As reported in the New York Post on July 14, 2024:

Dem staffer axed after saying Trump gunman should have taken ‘shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time’
Story by Olivia Land

A staffer for a Democratic congressman from Mississippi was fired for her inflammatory comments that she hoped the shooter who targeted Donald Trump “wouldn’t miss next time.”

“I don’t condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time ooops that wasn’t me talking,” Jacqueline Marsaw wrote on Facebook Saturday evening, shortly after Trump narrowly avoided being shot in the head during a rally in Pennsylvania.

Marsaw, of Natchez, worked as a field director for Rep. Bennie Thompson, the Natchez Democrat reported.

Marsaw was fired shortly after publishing the post.

Marsaw also wrote that the shooting — which killed one rally attendee and critically wounded two others — “couldn’t [have] happened to a nicer fellow,” though she insisted that it was a “staged” incident.

“That’s what your hate speech got you!” she added in a third post, seemingly referring to Trump’s often-controversial takes on social and political issues.

As of Sunday morning, all the posts had been deleted.

“I got overwhelmed in the moment,” Marsaw told the Natchez Democrat.

“I am a diehard Democrat,” she added.

She deleted her posts after she was instructed to do so by a manager on Thompson’s team, Marsaw explained. (-- end of New York Post news story)

To his credit, after Congressman Thompson became aware of the social media post above, he promptly fired her.

Then there's this news story from Shore News Network on July 17, 2024;

Elementary School Teacher Wanted to See Trump Dead in Failed Assassination Attempt

DENVER, CO — The Jefferson County School District has issued a statement affirming that it does not “endorse violence” after one of its teachers made controversial remarks about an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Jennifer Ripper, a teacher at Semper Elementary School, faced backlash following her comments on social media expressing disappointment that the assassination attempt was unsuccessful.

Ripper wrote “Looks like he ALMOST got taken out” on Facebook, which quickly went viral after being shared by popular social media accounts, including Libs of TikTok. The post included a response from Ripper to another user who expressed remorse that the shooter “missed,” to which Ripper replied, “my thoughts exactly”​.
Libs of TikTok

She then defended herself saying, “Yes, I’m a teacher. I think for myself and want others to do the same. No matter, now he’s a martyr.” (-- end of the Shore News Network news story.)

So, do you think it's ended here? It hasn't. 

Democrats have used the Department of Justice to go after Donald Trump instead of going after the people behind the Russian collusion conspiracy. Biden's DOJ has searched his home, arrested him, and orchestrated his convictions on misdemeanors that ran their statute of limitations. Democrats have charged him with things that other presidents are forgiven for. And yes, they have succeeded in getting one of their followers to attempt to assassinate him. 

Are there more? Are there other followers of the Democrat Party who will now step forward to try to kill former President Donald Trump on behalf of the Democrat Party? What do you think?

Fox News reported today, July 20th, 2024:

Florida man arrested for 'written threats to kill' Trump, Vance days after assassination attempt
The Florida man made multiple threats, including bodily harm, against Trump and Vance's families

"A Florida man was accused of making 'written threats to kill' former President Trump and Sen. JD Vance and their families just days after a Pennsylvania man attempted to assassinate the 45th. President. The Jupiter Police Department announced that 68-year-old Michael M. Wiseman was arrested on Friday for charges of written threats to kill. Authorities alleged that Wiseman wrote threats against the Republican presidential nominee and vice presidential nominee on his Facebook account and also made to members of the Trump and Vance families." 

And by the way, this latest wannabe assassin is reported to live only 20 miles or so from President Trump's home Mar-a-Lago. Yes, Jupiter, Florida is about 20 miles, or an approximately 30-minute drive, north of President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach.

This leads me to ask how many other followers of the Democrat Party's hateful propaganda are out there, wanting to kill President Trump? How many others have the Democrats incited to assassinate former President Donald Trump? And really, how many other Democrats will celebrate every time there's an attempt on his life?

Tom Correa

Friday, July 19, 2024

Eric Trump's Excellent RNC 2024 Speech

 Eric Trump Speaks at RNC 2024

Eric Trump spoke at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Thursday, July 18, 2024. I liked his speech so much, that I wanted you to read what he said. Below is the transcript of his speech:

Good evening, America. 

Eight years ago, my father sat our family down. He spoke of a nation in decline, of dreams slipping away, of a future endangered by failed leadership and broken promises. It was in that moment I knew my father had made a decision that would forever change our lives. We realized he had chosen to step into the arena to fight for the soul of America. 

He’d decided to leave behind the comforts of an unbelievable business empire, to leave behind everything he had ever built, to answer the call to serve our nation. 

Unlike his predecessor, it was not a decision born out of necessity. Unlike the current president, it was not a decision that would enrich his family. Rather, it was a decision made out of love for this country and a deep concern for America’s future.

My father was clear it would not be easy, that there would be a huge price to pay, and that the attacks would be vicious. 

Looking back, that was an understatement. The made-up Russia hoax, the sham impeachments, the efforts to destroy an unbelievable company, a company that I run today, the efforts to cancel us, to silence him, to gag his free speech, and to drag him through every radical left courthouse in America, to take his life. 

Yet, through it all, he’s shown unwavering courage and determination, not just in public, but in every private conversation with me and our family. He stood tall, fueled not by personal ambition, but by a profound love for this country, and a love for all of you, the American people. 

That man is my father. That man is the 45th president, and soon to be 47th President of the United States, that man is Donald J. Trump.

Each time I’ve stood on this stage, America has been at dire crossroads. In 2016, many people began to doubt the promise of America, our economy was struggling, jobs were scarce, our standing on the world stage was weak at best, veterans were forgotten, our military was in shambles, our educational system was broken, ranked 30th in the world. 

He could no longer tolerate an inept administration that handed $150 billion to Iran, a country that, “Chants death to America,” or witness continued attacks on our constitution and our religious liberty, or see the disrespect shown to our unbelievable law enforcement officers, who are being disarmed, defunded, and persecuted each and every day. 

He could no longer stand to see words like Christmas stripped from public use, or the Pledge of Allegiance removed from our schools.

But my father saw potential where others saw despair. Donald Trump built the New York City skyline. He did so during a time when businesses were turning away from the city he loved. Crime was rampant, the streets were dirty, but he had the Midas touch, and he turned those streets and neighborhoods into gold. 

He faced every challenge with tremendous vision and grit, as he did during the 2016 election. He rolled up his sleeves, he remained unapologetic, he did not care to be politically correct. He restored hope, he restored a voice to millions of Americans who had been ignored, he restored the American Dream.

Under my father’s leadership, the economy climbed to record heights, jobs were created at an unthinkable pace, unemployment reached historic lows across all demographics, wage growth soared. He cut taxes for hard-working families and businesses, he slashed regulations. 

We saw the greatest 401(k) increase in American history. People bought their first homes in an environment that saw 2% to 3% interest rates. They started their families. My father made the United States energy independent with the lowest gas prices in decades.

My father made the United States safe. Our borders were closed. There was peace in the Middle East. Soleimani, al-Baghdadi, the terrorists were dead. 

My father made the United States respected again, with the courage to walk into countries like North Korea, with the courage to impose tariffs on China, and with the courage to tear up trade deals that cost Americans their jobs. He brought manufacturing back to America, small businesses flourished. He did what he promised, he put America first. We were winning. Donald Trump made America great again.

But he also created a movement. A movement that threatened the special interest in the political elites. A movement that cast a bright light on the institutions weaponized against the American people. You see it in our schools. God bless the moms who fought back. 

You see it in your workplace. You see it on every news station, in every newspaper. You see it in the military. The most iconic military installations on planet Earth are stripped of their identity and renamed, Fort Bragg, Benning, Fort Hood. You see it in Hollywood. You see it in our two-tier judicial system. They don’t even hide it anymore.

My father has been censored, the former president ripped off Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, while terrorist organizations remain intact. 

My father has been persecuted, targeted by far-left Democrats, funded by special interest groups and hand-picked judges. My father has been pulled off the ballots of states, radical justices attempting to defy the will of millions of Americans who adore who he is and what he stands for. 

My father even became the target of an assassin who almost killed America’s single greatest hope for our future. 

The Swamp is terrified of this incredible movement, they’re terrified of it. They’re terrified of you, and the tens of millions of people watching us on TV right now. They’ve tried everything to keep him from you, everything, to destroy his legacy, to destroy his family. They have failed, and they will not win. I love my Florida delegation right here. Thank you.

My father stands before you with the most votes of any Republican candidate in the history of our nation. He has defied the predictions of every political pundit. He fills stadiums across our country. He energizes Americans to the issues facing this nation, and does so with unvarnished honesty. 

He is not a threat to democracy, he’s a threat to those who despise our republic, many of whom are bought and sold, bribed and coerced, people who have never signed the front of a check, and who have been dependent on the government their entire adult lives.

Today, as it was in 2016, America’s at that crossroads again. Energy prices are soaring, interest rates are crippling, everything is unaffordable. The US dollar has been diminished. Inflation has made it impossible for Americans to live, to save for their future. Our infrastructure is crumbling, our border is out of control. 

Millions are dead and displaced in Russia and Ukraine, a war that has no end and a war that we are funding. The Middle East has become a hornet’s nest. Our greatest ally, Israel, totally under siege. 

Fentanyl is killing our youth and destroying families, while the current administration stands idly by, hoping their inaction will import illegal votes. Crime terrorizes our cities and our suburbs, as far-left policies handcuff police, male athletes, guys my height, six foot five, are swimming in women’s sports, destroying the dreams of young girls who have trained every minute of their lives.

We no longer trust our elections, we no longer trust our judicial system, and we no longer believe that our government is working in our best interest. 

In spite of where we are today as a nation, I’d like to speak to every American. To the homeless veteran sleeping under a bridge as illegal immigrants are housed in the most expensive hotels in New York, I’m sorry, we know it’s wrong, and we will fix it. 

To the single mother who can no longer afford her rent, afford groceries, and has been forced to work three jobs, I’m sorry, it does not have to be this way. To the parents who lost a son or a daughter to fentanyl, including the incredible woman that spoke the other night, while an administration does absolutely nothing, I’m sorry, your government can do so much better, and it will. 

To the children who are being brainwashed instead of learning the fundamentals in school, I’m sorry, there are teachers who care, and my father will empower them.

To the law enforcement officers, our brave Border Patrol, Secret Service agents, who work every single day to protect our communities, knowing damn well that the system will throw you under the bus, I’m sorry, we will stand behind you. 

To commuters, often petrified to take a bus, take a train, or walk the streets in cities across our nation, I’m sorry, that man right there will fix this. To the construction workers, to the middle class families, to the families with children with disabilities, families who can no longer afford medical benefits or to take a vacation, I’m sorry, we will make America great again. 

And to my father, who has been ruthlessly silenced, slandered, and attacked, by a corrupt administration, I’m sorry, we know and America knows that they’re not just after you, they’re after all of us, and you just happen to be standing in their way.

To all Americans watching tonight, the greatest retribution will be our success, success not just for ourselves, but for our grandchildren and our children. 

Under President Donald J. Trump, the Swamp will be drained, America will be respected, our cities will be safe, our streets will be clean, and our border will once again be secure. We will have peace, we will have prosperity. 

Your hard-earned tax dollars will enrich a better America, not be squandered in corrupt foreign nations. Education will be handed back to the states, we will no longer be 30th in the world, we will be first.

Our children will understand family, our children will have values, and our children will love God. Our country will prioritize free speech, respect freedom of religion, and honor our constitution.

As his son, I’ve never been more proud of a person in my life. A man who has defied all odds more than once, a man who believed in the promise of America when others turned away, a man who saw a nation in need of a champion, and answered that call with unwavering determination and courage, a man who survived a bullet that was intended to eliminate him permanently from our future and from our family.

Never have I been more proud to be a Trump. Never have I been more proud to stand by my father’s side. I remain incredibly honored to be part of this journey, a journey with all of you, a journey to save the greatest country on Earth, a journey with the most incredible people I have ever met.

Dad, five days ago, Laura, Luke, Carolina, and I, held our breath as we saw blood pour across your face. By the grace of God, divine intervention, and your guardian angels above, you survived.

You are the greatest fighter I have ever seen. You are strong, you are full of life, and you are unapologetic. Your optimism is contagious, your backbone is unbreakable, your conviction to fight for what is right, and against all that is wrong, is truly next level. 

The whole world saw your strength as you stood up, you wiped the blood off your face, and you put your fist in the air in a moment that will be remembered as one of the most courageous acts in the history of American politics. You shouted, “Fight, fight, fight.”

I’m honored to be your son. I’m honored to speak to our great nation tonight. You are a true leader, you epitomize strength. Our country loves you, our country appreciates you, our country misses you, and on November 5th, our country will re-elect you as the 47th President of the United States of America. Good night, Milwaukee. God bless you all.

-- end of Eric Trump's RNC Speech.

I posted it here because he is honest, correct, and accurate, and because it has a message that every American should hear. It goes to the heart of why we need to support former President Trump.

Tom Correa 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The True Story of Clay Allison and Wyatt Earp

Original photograph of the ‘Dodge City Peace Commission’ in June 1883. Front, l-r; Chas. E. Basset, Wyatt S. Earp, Frank McLain, and Neil Brown. Back, l-r; W. H. Harris, Luke Short, W. B. Bat Masterson, and W. F. Petillon. This is the version with Petillon beside Masterson. All rights reserved. FCHS.

Story by Roger Myers, author, copyright, 2002
Ford County Historical Society, Inc., Dodge City, KS.

One of the most written-about events of the Old West is the supposed “showdown” between Wyatt Earp, assistant marshal of Dodge City, and Clay Allison, rancher and self-proclaimed “shootist” from New Mexico. 

The San Francisco Examiner of 1896 and nearly all biographies of Earp have featured it in some fashion. Charlie Siringo talked of the incident in his autobiography, Riata and Spurs. A somewhat different version appeared in Robert K. DeArment’s Bat Masterson: The Man and the Legend.

The issue of law enforcement was at the forefront of local matters in the summer of 1878. The Ford County Globe ran several items regarding the failure of the police to “suppress” thieves, confidence men, and robbers. The Globe also seemed to question whether this criminal element was under the protection of the police force. 

Frustration with the lack of enforcement of the laws against the tinhorn gamblers and their like had been apparent since September 1876, several months after Wyatt Earp came on the scene. 

The Hays Sentinel of September 20, 1876, carried the following: 

“The citizens of Dodge have organized a vigilance committee, and last week the committee addressed the following pointed note to every gambler in the city; ‘Sir: You are hereby notified to leave this city before 6 o’clock, a. m. of Sept. 17th, 1876, and not return here.”

At the same time, the police were “buffaloing” herders with near impunity. 

An item in the August 6, 1878, issue of the Globe berates an unnamed officer for beating a Mexican prisoner unmercifully: 

“The policeman who pounded the Mexican over the head with a six-shooter last Thursday [August 1] night, did not display either much manhood or bravery. When we consider the fact that the poor ‘greaser’ was sitting on a bench almost helpless from the effects of a previous beating, we don’t think that even a Dodge City policeman who is nearly the greatest man in the world, has any right to walk deliberately up to him without any provocations, and knock out one or two of his eyes.” 

According to the Dodge City Police Court Docket, the arrested man was Guadelupe Flores for drunk and disorderly. Flores pleaded guilty to this charge. However, the police court docket contains this note: 

“But upon examination of the circumstances connected with the case the court finds that he is not guilty as charged and that he be discharged….” 

There can be little doubt that the court felt Mr. Flores had suffered enough at the hands of the Dodge City Police.

A meeting of the populace was called to discuss the inaction of the officers concerning the criminal element infesting Dodge. Even the allied Dodge City Times newspaper was wondering about the advisability of forming a Grand Jury to contend with the problem. Such was the dissatisfaction of the people during that Summer of 1878.

Concurrently, the cattlemen of Texas were indignant about the perceived mistreatment of their men and were not about to stand for it. In a letter dated at Lewistown, Montana, September 30, 1934, cowboy Pink Simms wrote: 

“A drunken cowboy had been shot to death while shooting a pistol in the air in the streets of Dodge. He worked for, or at least, was a friend of, Clay Allison. Others had been robbed, shot, and beaten over the head with revolvers and the cowmen were indignant about it. It was stated that the marshals were all pimps, gamblers and saloonkeepers. They had the cowboys disarmed, and with their teeth pulled they were harmless. If they got too bad or went and got a gun, they were cut down with shotguns. Allison…[was] going to protest over the treatment of [his] men and of course the salty old Clay was willing to back his arguments with gunsmoke.” 

The charged atmosphere around Dodge made an explosion a very real possibility.

Robert Andrew Clay Allison was already a western legend when he came to Dodge in 1878, while Wyatt Earp would not become famous for several years. 

The Dodge City newspapers noted Allison’s comings and goings and The Kinsley Graphic of December 14, 1878, had this to say when Clay stopped there: 

“Clay Allison, well known on the frontier and western Kansas, but better known in western Texas, for daring deeds and the number of affrays with knife and navy he engaged in, has been to town for several days this week. His appearance is striking. Tall, straight as an arrow, dark-complexioned, carries himself with ease and grace, gentlemanly and courteous in manner, never betraying by word or action the history of his eventful life.”

Allison's “notches” included Chunk Colbert, regionally infamous man-killer; Francisco Griego, another locally noted gunfighter; and Las Animas officer Charles Fabre. Numerous are the stories of his exploits, some fact, some fiction. 

All stories, factual or otherwise, led to Clay Allison being one of the most feared men of the West when he arrived in Dodge City, in September of 1878.

Front Street, Dodge City, 1874, with (from left) Rath and Wright’s General Outfitting Store, Beeson and Harris’ Long Branch saloon, and Hoover’s cigar and liquor Store. All rights reserved, FCHS.

The first known written record of the Allison/Earp clash is an interview with Wyatt Earp published in The San Francisco Examiner on August 16, 1896. The pertinent parts of the article are these:

Per Wyatt Earp: “And so Clay Allison came to town, and for a whole day behaved like a veritable chesterfield [perfect gentleman]. But the next morning one of my policemen woke me up to tell me that the bad man from Colorado was loaded up with a pair of six-shooters and a mouth full of threats. 

Straightway I put my guns on and went down the street with Bat Masterson. Now, Bat had a shotgun in the District Attorney’s office, which was behind a drugstore just opposite Wright’s store. 

He thought the weapon might come in handy in case of trouble, so he skipped across the street to get it. But not caring to be seen with such a weapon before there was any occasion for it, he stayed over there, talking to some people outside the drugstore, while I went into Webster’s Saloon looking for Allison. 

I saw at a glance that my man wasn’t there, and had just reached the sidewalk to turn into the Long Branch, next door, when I met him face to face. We greeted each other with caution …. and as we spoke backed carelessly up against the wall, I on the right. 

There we stood, measuring each other with sideways glances. An onlooker across the street might have thought we were old friends.

‘So,’ said Allison truculently, ‘you’re the man that killed my friend Hoyt.’

‘Yes, I guess I’m the man you’re looking for,’ said I.

His right hand was stealing round to his pistol pocket, but I made no move. Only I watched him narrowly. With my own right hand I had a firm grip on my six-shooter, and with my left I was ready to grab Allison’s gun the moment he jerked it out. He studied the situation in all its bearings for the space of a second or two. I saw the change in his face.

‘I guess I’ll go round the corner,’ he said abruptly.

‘I guess you’d better,’ I replied.

And he went.

In the meantime ten or a dozen of the worst Texans in town were laying low in Bob Wright’s Store, with their Winchesters, ready to cover Allison’s retreat out of town, or help him in the killing, if necessary. From where he had stationed himself Bat Masterson could see them, but I did not know they were there. After the encounter with Allison I moved up the street and would have passed Bob Wright’s door had not Bat, from across the street signaled to me to keep out of range. A moment later Allison, who had mounted his horse, rode out in front of Webster’s and called to me.

‘Come over here, Wyatt,’ he said, ‘I want to talk to you.’

‘I can hear you all right here,’ I replied. ‘I think you came here to fight with me, and if you did you can have it right now.’

Several friends of mine wanted me to take a shotgun, but I thought I could kill him all right with a six-shooter. At that moment Bob Wright came running down the street to urge Allison to go out of town. He had experienced a sudden change of heart because Bat had crossed over to him with these portentous words: ‘If this fight comes up, Wright, you’re the first man I’m going to kill.’ Allison listened to the legislator’s entreaties with a scowl.

‘Well I don’t like you any too well,’ he said, ‘there were a lot of your friends to be here this morning to help me out, but I don’t see them round now.’

‘Earp,’ he continued, turning to me and raising his voice. ‘I believe you’re a pretty good man from what I’ve seen of you. Do you know that these coyotes sent for me to make a fight with you and kill you? Well, I’m going to ride out of town, and I wish you good luck." 

[end interview with Wyatt Earp published in The San Francisco Examiner on August 16, 1896].

Long Branch saloon interior, Front Street, Dodge City, circa 1878.

Charles A. Siringo’s very different account in his 1927 book Riada and Spurs, is often dismissed by historians due to lack of corroborating evidence (perhaps too, because his version makes Wyatt Earp look bad). 

As we will see, there actually is contemporary evidence backing Siringo’s presence in Dodge at the proper time. Siringo wrote:

“About the first of October eight hundred fat steers were cut out of my four herds and started for Dodge City, Kansas…. I secured permission [from owner David T. Beals] to … accompany them to Chicago….

“A 25-mile ride brought us to the toughest town on earth, Dodge City. It was now daylight, and the first man on the main street was Cape Willingham, who at this writing is a prosperous cattle broker in El Paso, Texas. Cape gave us our first news of the great Indian outbreak. [Dull Knife’s raid through Kansas.] He told of the many murders committed by the reds south of Dodge City the day previous – one man was killed at Mead City, and two others near the Crooked Creek store. 

“Riding up the main street Ferris and I saw twenty-five mounted cowboys, holding rifles in their hands, and facing one of the half-dozen saloons, adjoining each other, on that side of the street [Front Street]. In passing this armed crowd one of them recognized me. Calling me by name he said: ‘Fall in line quick, h–l is going to pop in a few minutes.’

“We jerked our Winchester rifles from the scabbards and fell in line, like most any other fool cowboys would have done. In a moment Clay Allison, the man-killer, came out of one of the saloons holding a pistol in his hand. With him was Mr. McNulty, owner of the large Panhandle “Turkey-track” cattle outfit. 

Clay was hunting for some of the town policemen, or the city marshal, so as to wipe them off the face of the earth. His twenty-five cowboy friends had promised to help him clean up Dodge City.

“After all the saloons had been searched, Mr. McNulty succeeded in getting Clay to bed at the Bob Wright Hotel. Then we all dispersed. Soon after, the city law officers began to crawl out of their hiding places, and appear on the street.”

Robert K. DeArment, from this account, deduced in his biography Bat Masterson: The Man and the Legend, that the incident must have happened on September 17 or 18, 1878. 

Used as evidence is Siringo’s placing the affair at the time of the Dull Knife raid through Kansas, specifically Meade. The papers of the day make it plain that the killings at Meade occurred on September 16, 1878. Dodge City heard of the raid on Meade on September 17, 1878.

With more than 40 years separating the incident and the retelling, Siringo’s estimation of the first part of October is only a close approximation. 

An item in the October 8, 1878, issue of the Globe reinforces the year and indicates that in all probability the event happened in mid-September. It says D. T. Beals shipped 25 carloads of cattle to Chicago between October 1 and October 7, 1878. 

The same issue of the Globe shows Dick McNulty, the hero of Siringo’s story, to have shipped 18 carloads of cattle from Dodge City to Kansas City the same week, putting him in Dodge at about the same time.

Now consider the following news item from the Dodge City Times of September 21, 1878: 

“There was a scrimmage Thursday night, [September 19] between some of the officers and the party that were going on the Indian hunt. Several shots were fired. One man carries a bandaged head and a soldier was severely wounded in the leg. A disgraceful row occurred in the afternoon, in which it is said the officers failed to appear [emphasis added]. These occurrences are the subjects of much comment on the conduct of the officers.”

Is this reference to a “disgraceful row” on September 19, the extent of the reporting of Clay Allison’s “hunt for trouble?” That “the officers failed to appear” is consistent with the account of not only Siringo but also another participant, Chalk Beeson.

I recently re-discovered an interview with Beeson, datelined Topeka, January 17, [1903] (Special). It seems to confirm the Siringo account. The interview is found in a Beeson family scrapbook on file at the Boot Hill Museum in Dodge City, Kansas. The originating publication is not identified.

Chalkley McArtor Beeson was co-owner of the Long Branch saloon in Dodge, city councilman, two-time sheriff of Ford County, and four-time state legislator representing Ford County in Topeka. He was described by one newspaper as “a quiet, almost noiseless man of medium size.” His hometown newspaper once described Beeson as the “man of the hour.” 

Indeed, the City of Dodge named a street after him many years ago. Here are the pertinent portions of that interview.

“Topeka, Jan. 17. (Special.) … Chalk Beeson is dean of the outfit. He migrated to the Western plains with the buffalo…. ‘The noted Clay Allison with his gang of untamed cowboys came to Dodge one day to start some trouble,’ continued Beeson. ‘They soon found it. Erp [sic] was marshal [assistant marshal] at the time. He notified the boys to be on guard. I saw that a clash was coming.’

‘Dick McNulty and myself held a brief conference. Something had to be done, and done quickly to prevent a wholesale killing. We took our lives in our hands and went to Allison and his gang and told them, as friends, that they had better not start anything. 

We argued with them while the lines were forming for a general battle. They finally yielded and handed us their guns, which we kept until they got ready to leave town. After giving up their guns they were in no danger. No one there would be so mean as to jump on to them when they were unarmed. That was against the rules of civilized warfare as construed in Dodge.'”

The only mention by Beeson of Wyatt Earp is that he [Earp]“notified the boys to be on guard.” 

Notice also, that Dick McNulty is responsible for disarming Allison – Siringo said the same thing.

Much weight must be given to the account of Chalk Beeson. Mr. Beeson’s integrity has, to my knowledge, never been seriously questioned. He was in Dodge on September 19, 1878.

These three participants – Earp, Siringo, and Beeson – all tell of Clay Allison coming to Dodge City hunting trouble. The reason for Allison’s trip could very well be the one put forth by Texan Pink Simms; the mistreatment of the Cowboys in general and the shooting of George Hoy.

From these three accounts, perhaps a likely scenario can be put together. While the Texan Siringo wrote of the cowardice of the officers, Dodge City partisan Beeson takes a different stance. A case can be made for the following reconstruction of events.

It would seem that Charles Siringo hit Dodge on September 19, 1878, where he heard the reports of Indian depredations south of Dodge from Cape Willingham. There, he met an indignant Clay Allison, backed by his “untamed cowboys”. 

Allison was intent upon getting to the bottom of the George Hoy killing while forcing the Dodge City police to ease up on his friends. Likely the mob went from saloon to saloon, maintaining their courage with whisky at each stop. As the anger increased, so did the fury of the protestations with all its accompanying shooting and shouting until it became a “disgraceful row” by early afternoon.

Knowing that 25 rowdy cowboys backed Allison, Wyatt Earp and policeman Jim Masterson (Bat’s brother) began to assemble their forces. 

In the meantime, Dick McNulty and Chalk Beeson intervened on behalf of the town, convincing Allison and his “gang of untamed cowboys” to give up their guns. The gang then dispersed. 

Two participants verify this action on the part of McNulty.

While the gang was being talked out of their guns, the officers still had not confronted Allison and his friends. This inaction would have seemed like cowardice to Clay Allison and his gang, and dereliction of duty to the townspeople. Therefore, we have The Globe of the 21st adding, “It is said the officers failed to appear. These occurrences are the subjects of much comment on the conduct of the officers.”

There seems to be no evidence that any kind of showdown occurred between Wyatt Earp and Clay Allison per The San Francisco Examiner interview. Neither Beeson nor Siringo mention anything about it. In addition, there is evidence that Robert Wright and Bat Masterson could not be involved. They were both out of town during the Dull Knife raid.

Evidence for a “conversation” between Allison and Earp is sparse. A likely scenario for this meeting is the one put forth by Pink Simms: 

“I also heard that later Allison alone found Wyatt Earp seated in the lookout’s chair at a faro game and he told him in no uncertain terms what he thought of the way some of the cowboys were being treated.”

We have in this a highly believable proposition. Allison had no fear of being gunned down. As Beeson so eloquently put it, “no one there would be so mean as to jump on to them when they were unarmed. That was against the rules of civilized warfare as construed in Dodge."

Mr. Beeson’s story seems to enforce the one told by Charles Siringo. It is clear that for whatever reason, the story of Wyatt Earp backed by Bat Masterson is not what quelled the disturbance. 

That honor must go to Dick McNulty and Chalk Beeson.

Roger Myers, author, copyright, 2002
Ford County Historical Society, Inc., Dodge City, Kansas 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

White Americans Are Not Enlisting To Defend America

A few of my readers wanted to know how I feel about "white Americans not enlisting" in our military? White enlistment being down is something that's been going on for a few years, but it has really hit home lately because of its consequences. 

Frankly, it’s not really a surprise that this is happening. Let's keep in mind that we've all seen our Society bash white Americans over the heads for years.  White Americans have been relentlessly assaulted and accused of being responsible for all of the ills of the World. Today, young white men have become less willing to defend America or risk their lives for a Society that discriminates against them and blames them for all the evils of history – evils which they themselves had nothing to do with.

In January 2024, The Telegraph stated:

It was reported in this newspaper recently how the US Army has seen a dramatic fall in the number of white recruits, as the website found that the Army fell 10,000 short of its 65,000 enlistment target.

Underpinning this drop was a dramatic decrease in white recruits from 44,042 in 2018, to just 25,070 in 2023, leading to the proportion of white recruits falling from 56.4 percent of all recruits in 2018, to just 44 percent. According to the US Census from 2022, around 59 percent of all US citizens were from white backgrounds. The US military is 17 percent women, so the recruiting crisis is primarily one among white men.

Clearly, something inside the US Army’s recruitment system is failing, both in terms of targets being drastically missed and a failure to recruit effectively among the nation’s largest ethnic group. 

In February 2023, in an article titled "What the Data Says About the Military's Recruiting Crisis" written by Kevin Wallsten, he stated:

The U.S. military is facing an “unprecedented” recruitment crisis, with most branches of the armed forces failing to meet their enlistment goals in 2022. This recruitment crisis is partly a function of the fact that so few young people are now able to serve due to obesity, educational deficiencies, mental health problems, or criminal records. In fact, “only 23% [of American youth] are physically, mentally, and morally qualified to serve without receiving some type of waiver.”

The recruitment crisis is not entirely a consequence of these metastasizing physical, mental, and moral problems, however. It is also a direct result young people’s growing unwillingness to serve. The most recent estimates “show that only 9% [of America’s youth] are even interested in military service.”

Why are so few young people willing to serve in the military? According to some conservatives, the Pentagon’s increasingly “woke” diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies are alienating the groups most inclined to serve in the armed forces (namely, Conservative, Southern, and rural Whites).

Consider, for example, Jimmy Byrn’s recent article in the Wall Street Journal. Byrn writes, the Pentagon’s “woke” policies “have amounted to a form of antirecruitment for prospective enlistees. The Pentagon is appealing to activists at the expense of those most likely to serve. The military has historically drawn an outsize proportion of recruits from conservative Southern states.”

Similarly, Thomas Spoehr argues that: “Wokeness in the military…acts as a disincentive for many young Americans in terms of enlistment...Is anyone surprised that potential recruits—many of whom come from rural or poor areas of the country—don’t want to spend their time being lectured about white privilege?”

Further in that article, I found it interesting that it states how while "wokeness" is responsible for the drop in enlisting white Republicans, in general, the political attitudes of young people today show an unwillingness to defend our country. While "wokeness" is keeping white Conservatives from enlisting, what's keeping white Democrats from signing up? 

The answer to that question has to do with how young white Democrats are being raised to hate law enforcement and our military. The hateful attitude of young white Democrats toward America, our way of life, our history, our police, and the military today is extremely obvious. The attitude of hate for America really stinks. 

Patriotism goes hand-in-hand with a good attitude in the military. The attitude of young white Democrats shows that they view America, our culture, and our military with contempt. 

In 2023, Gallup polls found pride in being American had fallen more than 20% among Democrats since 2015. Gallup also found that the views of Democrats and Republicans are inverted in that while only a mere 21% of Democrats say "America is the greatest country," polls show 64% say "other nations are as great or greater." 

In contrast, 62% of Republicans believe that "America is the greatest" with only 24% saying "other nations are as great or greater." The same 2023 poll also found that a third of all Democrats believe they are "less patriotic" than their parents.

What does all of this mean? 

For white Republicans, those who have been raised very patriotic, raised to love America and respect our military and police, they see our Society as blaming them and subsequently hating them for things that happened long before they were ever born. As for "wokeness" in America's military, they see "wokeness" as something that they don't want to deal with. Because of that, the military's desire to be political and embrace the Left's ideas of "wokeness" stops them from enlisting.  

People need to realize that many of the young people growing up in America today have been through the Public School system and have had to endure its "wokeness blame game" that targets whites. And frankly, young white Republicans see it as something that should be avoided if they can. Sadly, that limits their options in joining our military because most branches are embracing that horrible social experiment.   

For white Democrats, those who have been raised to be less patriotic, have disdain for America and actually hate America's military the same way they hate law enforcement, having to voluntarily "serve" in the military is completely out of the question. To them, as I'm reminded in their hate mail to me, our military is seen as something for others -- but not them. They see themselves as better than those who serve. 

The consequence of both cases is that there's now a growing disinterest in defending America while serving in our military. Of course, an ongoing decline in enlistment might mean the end of the "Volunteer" military service that was ushered in in the late 1970s. It might also mean the return of the Draft. And if that happens, I guarantee you that a lot of people won't be happy.

Tom Correa

Friday, July 5, 2024

Last of Our Civil War Veterans

Taken in November of 1947 at a family reunion in Alabama. 
Seated is Pleasant Riggs Crump, the last living Confederate soldier from the Civil War. 
Standing next to him is his great-great-niece Celia Milam. They shared the same birthday. 
He turned 100 and she turned 15 a few weeks after the photograph was taken.

Story by Terry McGahey 

The last verified Confederate soldier of the Civil War was a man by the name of Pleasant Riggs Crump. He was born on December 23rd, 1847, in Crawford’s Cove, St. Clair County Alabama. Crump enlisted in Petersburg, Virginia as a Private in the 10th Alabama Infantry Regiment in November of 1864. He was assigned to Company A.

Crump saw action at the Battle of Hatcher’s Run as well as the Siege of Petersburg. Crump also witnessed Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrender to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House.

After the war, Crump returned to Alabama and later located himself in Lincoln, within Talladega County. At age 22, he married Mary Hall, a local girl, and they had five children together. Marry died on December 31st, 1901. Crump later re-married Ella Wallis in 1905. Sadly Ella also passed away in July of 1942. From that point, Crump lived with a grandson's family.

The United Confederate Veterans awarded Crump the honorary title of Colonel of the organization in 1950. Crump passed away shortly after his 104th birthday on December 31st, 1951. Pleasant Crump is buried in Hall Cemetary in Lincoln.

The last verified Union soldier to pass away was a man by the name of Albert Henry Woolson. He was born on February 11th, 1850, in Antwerp, New York. Not only was he the last surviving Union soldier from the Civil War, he was the last of either side of the Civil War to pass away.

His father, Willard Woolson died from injuries he received at the battle of Shilo. Albert then enlisted as a drummer boy at age 14 into Company C, 1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery Regiment on October 10th, 1864, but his company never saw action. He was discharged on September 7th, 1865.

During his final days, he lived in Duluth, Minnesota, at 215 East Fifth Street. Woolson passed away at St. Luke’s Hospital in Duluth on August 2nd, 1956. Others whom I won’t mention claimed to be the last Civil War Veterans, but they were not verified or were completely debunked. Woolson was buried with full military honors at Park Hill Cemetary. 

President Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "The American people have lost the last link with the Union Army… His passing brings sorrow to the hearts of all of us who cherished the memory of the brave men on both sides of the war between the states."

Sometimes it's hard to believe that the Civil War was truly not that long ago within the annals of history. It really comes home to me because I was alive before both of these two men passed away. I was five years old when Woolson passed, so it sure made me think.

About the Author

Terry McGahey
Associate Writer/ Old West Historian

Terry has been a working cowboy, a writer, and an Old West historian. He is best known for his fight against the City of Tombstone and its historic City Ordinance Number 9.

He was instrumental in getting the famous Tombstone City Ordinance Number 9 repealed while at the same time forcing the City of Tombstone to fall in line and comply with the laws of the State of Arizona.

If you care to read how he fought Tombstone's City Hall and won, check out:

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Biden's A Puppet And Those Pulling His Strings Are Breaking The Law

Terry McGahey has been a working cowboy, a writer, and an Old West historian. The man who I'm extremely proud to call my friend is best known for his relentless fight against the City of Tombstone and its historic City Ordinance Number 9. In the end, Terry won and the 1881 City Ordinance banning the carrying of guns in the city of Tombstone, Arizona, was shot down. It's because of Terry that Tombstone, Arizona, was forced to conform to Arizona State laws regarding the carrying of firearms. 

Well, since the Presidential Debate, I've been thinking about how Terry was right. Knowing that Joe Biden is incapacitated, we really need to know who's running our government. And yes, I've been thinking a lot about what Terry wrote in his opinion editorial for this blog when he asked the important question, 

In Terry's article, he stated, "As we have all heard at one time or another our government is now being run by what’s called the deep state. Many of us, as well as myself, believe the deep state as it is referred to, comes down to the elitist Democrats and some Republican politicians who claim to be Republican but who in reality, are actually shadow-woke Democrats with Mitt Romney leading the pack.

In my opinion, as well as many of us American patriots, Joe Biden is not fit to run this country. All one has to do is watch Biden stumble and bumble through his speeches and or his interviews which at times it seems that this old man doesn’t even seem to know where he is. Personally, I do respect the office of president, but I will never refer to Biden as president because I have absolutely no respect for this destroyer of our nation.

Going back to the so-called "Deep State," I don't know how many folks know who Jeff Dunham is. Jeff Dunham is a comedian who uses many different puppets in his act. And if you notice, one of the puppets he uses is the grumpy old man named Walter. The grumpy old man puppet looks amazingly like Joe Biden. 

Like Jeff Dunham who commands his puppets with his hands and his remarks, I firmly believe the Deep State is Biden's puppeteer.

Who is the Deep State? There are many crooked politicians and other extremely wealthy individuals with the likes of George Soros and many others who belong to this so-called Deep State. It's my belief that the up-close individuals to Biden, who are actually running the office of President are the Clintons, Obamas, Schumer, Polisi, and some of the wealthiest people in the world. ...

Most of us, as even the Democrat Party realize, that Biden most likely would not be able to finish his term in office if elected. And frankly speaking, his re-election bid against Trump is a total joke. With the Democrat fascists also realizing this fact we are now hearing California Governor Gavin Newsom's name being thrown around as a possible replacement Democrat candidate for president.

As most of us know, California cities are in a gruesome state of decline. So that’s why I refer to Gavin Newsom as "Gruesome Newsome." This far-left Democrat Governor of California has run out many businesses as well as many long-time California residents to places like Texas, Arizona, and other states. Newsome loves regulations forcing people to bend to his will.

Just look at the gasoline automobile ban he is trying to enforce, forcing you to drive electric vehicles, not to speak of his regulation policies that are driving out businesses and people causing California to lose more and more revenue.

Places like Los Angeles and San Francisco and many other cities in California look like Third World countries in places. Anyone who votes for Gruesome Newsome is still voting for the so-called Deep State. Different person but the same puppet." 

Yes, Terry McGahey was right. Joe Biden is a puppet and we need to find out who is running our country! 

No one knows who's been running our government. And even worse, no one knows the names of those in the Deep State who have been pulling Joe Biden's strings or putting words in his mouth. We've all seen that he can't speak without a Teleprompter. And recently, he even needed a Teleprompter at a "private meeting" so that he would be able to speak to his donors.

A few days ago, cable television talk show host and radio talk show host Ben Ferguson said "Biden is clearly incapacitated and is not running this country." Many others are coming out to say the same thing including Tech investor David Sacks who said, "Joe Biden was always a puppet" for the Democratic Party.

In the wake of Thursday's presidential debate, David Sacks came out to say what others have been saying for a while now, the Democratic Party is propping up President Biden as a "puppet" to advance the party's interests.

David Sacks said Biden's performance at the Presidential Debate exposed to all that the Democratic Party has been supporting Biden as a "figurehead" to deflect attention from party members' goals of using political clout to funnel power and money to allies. 

He said, "The Democratic Party is a collection of interests who want to remain in power. The Democratic Party is the party of government. Its goal is to allocate money and power from the government to the collection of interests who back the Democratic Party. In other words, it's basically a collection of interests who want to loot the Republic.

"Well, obviously no one's going to vote for that. So they have to make it about something else. They choose a figurehead, they talk about how this is about saving democracy. They basically invent, hoax after hoax, lie after lie to basically maintain their power," he continued.

"And I think what's happened is, the mask has come off, the whole shell game has been revealed. It's obvious that Biden was always a puppet for these interests who were hiding behind him. And now, it's all being exposed," Sacks said.

David Sacks says President Biden is a "puppet" and "figurehead" for the Democratic Party. 

Sacks publicly endorsed Trump and said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, "I give to many, but endorse few. But today I am giving my endorsement to our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, to be our 47th President. My reasons rest on four main issues that I think are vital to American prosperity, security, and stability – issues where the Biden administration has veered badly off course and where I believe President Trump can lead us back."

Sacks explained that "the voters have experienced four years of President Trump and four years of President Biden. In tech, we call this an A/B test. With respect to economic policy, foreign policy, border policy, and legal fairness, Trump performed better. He is the President who deserves a second term."

While it is great to see people like David Sacks and Ben Ferguson and others get behind Donald Trump so we can stop the Democrats' Dream of an "Authoritarian Nation" and the installation of a Socialist system, we really need to answer Terry McGahey's basic question, "Who is actually running our government?" 

Biden's Incapacitated And Those Making Decisions In The White House Are Breaking The Law

Whoever it is, after seeing Joe Biden's very public, very obvious, state of confusion during the debate, we need to know who are the people pulling the strings on the puppet that we have in the White House right now. 

Here's something else to think about. The people behind the scenes are un-elected and doing things that are criminal. Yes, criminal. It is against the law to impersonate an elected official, especially the President of the United States. And frankly, WE should all want to know, who's been signing Joe Biden's name to such things as Executive Orders? WE should all want to know, who is making decisions since we know Joe isn't?

So what can happen to someone who is proven to be making decisions in the White House, and actually taking on the role of president?

Title 18 U.S.C.A. § 912 provides: Whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be an officer or employee acting under the authority of the United States or any department, agency or officer thereof, and acts as such, or in such pretended character demands or obtains any money, paper, document, or thing of value, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Thus, there are two possible offenses under § 912: (1) pretending to be a federal agent and acting as such; and (2) pretending to be a federal agent and demanding or obtaining certain listed items. 

So what is required to be charged? The first clause of § 912 includes two distinct elements: (1) a false pretense asserting federal authority; and (2) an overt physical act taken in the capacity as the pretended authority.

Since, as we have been reminded over and over again by the Mainstream Media in the Trump trial that "No one is above the law," we need to know who has been breaking the law in the White House and prosecute them.

We need to find out who is behind the curtain. Who is the Deep State that propping up Biden? Who is pulling Joe's strings and making him dance to their tune? We need to determine if someone has faked his signature, given orders to carry out policies, and enacted Executive Orders in the White House while Joe Biden has been incapacitated. 

And yes, I believe that even if we find out that it's the First Lady Jill Biden and his Cabinet and Barack Obama running things from behind the scenes, we need to jail them. 

Tom Correa