Well, read some of the following news clippings. The news clippings below may assure you that crime and insane acts of people have always been with us.
QUARREL LEADS TO KILLINGNew Era, Humeston, Iowa, March 17, 1887
In a quarrel in Lawrence County, Ky., on March 9th, Samuel Smith, aged sixteen years, shot and killed Stephen Hammond and his wife and wounded their two small children.
Perry Chief, Perry, Iowa, Friday, September 30, 1887
William Thompson concealed himself near the house of A. J. Thompson and shot three members of the family, one of them fatally. The murderer also shot a school teacher. His victims were his own cousins. He has not been captured.
Newark Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio, May 8, 1891
Newark Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio, May 8, 1891
She Puts Arsenic in the Coffee Pot and Poisons the Entire Family
Catlettsburg, Ky., May 8. - Mrs. George Carter, who resides with her husband, made a deseprate but unsuccessful attempt to poison her entire family with arsenic Monday night. For some time the woman has been in a very despondent mood, and her friends fear she is insane.
On the day mentioned she placed a quantity of arsenic in the coffee pot. After the family had partaken of the evening meal, all became seriously ill; medical assistance was summoned, and the woman told what she had done, adding she wanted to die but did not wish to leave her husband and two children. One of the children is expected to die.
New Oxford Item, New Oxford, PA, Friday, May 20, 1892
New Oxford Item, New Oxford, PA, Friday, May 20, 1892
Two colored men, named Finkley and Smith, who killed a boy without provocation, were captured and lynched.
Landmark, Statesville, N.C., Thursday, June 9, 1892
INSULTS HAVE CONSEQUENCESLandmark, Statesville, N.C., Thursday, June 9, 1892
N. H. Matofsky, a traveling occultist, and J. Will Harman, a Cincinnati drummer, charged with making insulting remarks on the street to women of Louisa, Ky., were placed on a raft last week by the citizens of the town and sent adrift down the Ohio river. They were rotten-egged before they started.
Daily Herald, Delphos, Ohio, Saturday, April 18, 1896
The body of an infant was found in a spring near Louisa, Ky., yesterday with a rock tied around its neck. The verdict of the coroner's jury was that it was killed and placed there by its mother, Orpha Stanley, a widow with nine other children, who came here three weeks ago from Johnson county. Mrs. Stanley is in jail.
The body of an infant was found in a spring near Louisa, Ky., yesterday with a rock tied around its neck. The verdict of the coroner's jury was that it was killed and placed there by its mother, Orpha Stanley, a widow with nine other children, who came here three weeks ago from Johnson county. Mrs. Stanley is in jail.
A SAD GOODBYEFreeborn County Standard, Albert Lea, Minnesota, August 31, 1898
Mrs. Nancy Wellman, who died at her home at the age of 95 years, was the mother of 16 children, 11 of whom were married. She had 88 grandchildren, 192 great-grandchildren, and 31 great-great-grandchildren. She also raised nine orphan children.
Marion Daily Star, Marion, OH, March 3, 1899
Harry Price, a young lawyer of Catlettsburg, fatally shot Jerry Moningham, this morning, while on the steamer, Argand, seven miles below here. Moningham was the member of the First Kentucky volunteers who shot his captain R. S. Carr, at Ashland last week.
EX-SOLDIER SHOTMarion Daily Star, Marion, OH, March 3, 1899
Harry Price, a young lawyer of Catlettsburg, fatally shot Jerry Moningham, this morning, while on the steamer, Argand, seven miles below here. Moningham was the member of the First Kentucky volunteers who shot his captain R. S. Carr, at Ashland last week.
Sandusky Daily Star, Ohio, Monday, February 25, 1901
Dick Vinson shot and killed William Thompson. On meeting, they renewed an old quarrel and Vinson opened the firing.
SLEW THE MARSHALMansfield News, Mansfield, Ohio, April 10, 1902
At Fallsburg, in this county, Ralph Marcum, Marshal of Fallsburg, was shot and instantly killed by George Cooksey, whom he was trying to arrest for some minor offense. After Cooksey shot Marcum, he was wounded by a man named Edward Webb, but it is not known how serious his wounds are. Cooksey returned from the Philippines War recently.
Washington Post, Tuesday, April 30, 1907
Huntington, W.VA., April 28.- George Washabaugh, of Mount Pleasant, Pa., was shot and mortally wounded in Central City, a suburb, late this afternoon, by Edward Adkins, of Louisa, Ky. Adkins was intoxicated, and in being ejected from a saloon opened fire with a pistol at random on a crowd of bystanders, shooting Washabaugh. Adkins was arrested.
TO PREVENT MOB VIOLENCEDecatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, August 31, 1908
Kentuckian, Who Caused Death of Two, Spirited Away
John Sprouse was brought here yesterday from near Cherokee to escape violence. He is accused of having set fire to the residence of Charles Cooper on Saturday, resulting in the destruction of property and the lives of two of the Cooper children. Cooper's wife and two children were seriously burned. Sprouse and Cooper had been engaged in a lawsuit over lumber.
ROBBER ARRESTEDWashington Post, Washington, DC, Friday, December 31, 1909
Sam Crabtree was arrested at Kenova yesterday and charged with waylaying, assaulting, and robbing Charles Skiba, general manager of the Charleston sheet steel works at Huntington Tuesday night.
Washington Post, Washington, D.C., June 12, 1910
SAFE ESCORT FOR WITNESSWashington Post, Washington, D.C., June 12, 1910
Court Fears For Constable Who Appeared Against Vinson Gang
Charleston, W. Va., June 11. - The jury in the Federal court in the case of the Vinson gang of mountaineers, charged with conspiracy to prevent Federal Officers from making arrests, reported a failure to agree. The jury was discharged until Monday when they will again be sent back to consider the case.
Judge Keller detailed a deputy marshal to accompany Constable Rowland Salmons, who was a government witness, back to the State line for fear that friends of the Vinson might attack him.
Altoona Mirror, Altoona, PA, August 8, 1918
Honeymoon of Three Weeks Ended by Pathetic Suicide
Circleville, Ohio, Aug. 28. - Mrs. Mary Burton, while her husband was in Columbus, took a dose of carbolic acid and her body was found in the morning. She had hung a white card on the front door and left a long letter, the contents of which has not been given out. Mrs. Burton was married three weeks ago and was homesick and had no money.
GUN BATTLE FATALKingsport Times, Tennessee, Tuesday, June 14, 1921
Huntington, W. VA., June 14 - Millard Meeks was killed and his brother Garfield and Deputy Don Cheek were seriously wounded in a gun battle at White House, Ky, today during a circus performance. Three men were wounded slightly. The fight started when the deputy sheriff attempted to place Meeks brothers under arrest on charges of disturbing the peace.
Washington Post, Washington, D.C., February 26, 1910
Following Whining, Digging Dog, to Find Can with $482 in Gold
Huntington, W. Va., Feb. 25. - A can containing $482 in gold was found by boys on their way home from school across the river from Huntington, in Lawrence County, Ky. The boys saw a dog digging away and whining at a hole under a deserted log cabin. They went over and found an old tin canister. It was full of gold coins, which it is believed had been there for more than 25 years.
Just when you think you've heard it all, some news station comes out with a new article about the latest crime. "Drive-by shooting in Miami" or "Bank robbery in Los Angeles". One day it's a mugging then the next it's a hostage situation. Then you hear about a home invasion in Texas or a kidnapping in Mississippi or a riot in Tennessee. Illegal liquor being made in North Carolina. Convicted felon got hold of a gun in Louisiana. Registered sex offender caught by police in Georgia. Married couple robs bank in Arizona. The list goes on and on. What am I getting at? I'm talking about the fact that crime is a daily occurrence. Complain all you want but until you actually do something about it, not much is gonna get done. And don't think for one second that every cop is your friend. Yes, even the police can be bad guys. So, at the end of the day, when you think about it, crime happens a lot more often than you think. But I'll say this for you. Crime never pays. Muchos gracias, Benny.