Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Hillary Clinton Gets A Medal From Joe Biden -- It's Laughable

On Saturday, January 4, 2025, Hillary Clinton was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom 
by President Joe Biden. 
It is the Nation's highest civilian honor.

When it comes to Hillary Clinton, there's a lot to dislike. While some say it was how she let those Americans die in Benghazi, for me, if I were to pick one thing to have to justify my disdain for the woman, it's what she put the whole nation through by engineering the whole Trump-Russian Collusion Hoax. 

When the Durham Report came forward, it pointed out how President Donald Trump was the victim of an insidious secret surveillance operation at the hands of his political opponent in the 2016 presidential election. Ever since then, more and more has been exposed, and we now all know that Hillary Clinton was the mastermind behind the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. We also know she invented the elaborate "Russia Collusion" hoax, financed it, and directed the process. We also know she has not been charged with any sort of criminal act -- even though we know she tried to unseat a sitting President of the United States and undermine his administrative duties. 

Make no mistake about it, the Durham Report says Hillary Clinton had her associates pay to "infiltrate" servers at Trump Tower and the White House. We know that lawyers for the Hillary Clinton campaign paid a computer technology company to surveil a sitting president, Donald Trump. We know that more than half a dozen crimes may have been committed to advance the false accusation that he colluded with Russia.

After a 22-month probe, Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of a criminal collusion conspiracy because none ever existed. U.S. Attorney John Durham investigated how the lie started and whether or not crimes were perpetrated to accomplish the "Russia Collusion Hoax."

John Durham's report has disclosed that Clinton campaign lawyers hired a tech company to "infiltrate" computer servers housed in Trump Tower, and later, the White House. The goal was to generate an "inference" or "narrative" that Trump was colluding with Russia and then feed the phony information to the FBI to trigger an investigation of him.

According to the Durham Report, their devious methods were revealed. The tech company exploited its access to non-public and proprietary internet data on servers at Trump Tower and the White House. It was reported as being the equivalent of breaking into a computer except the technicians had special access since the company was performing what's called "resolution services" on those highly sensitive accounts.

The computer criminals covertly penetrated the servers without authorization. Once inside, they commandeered innocuous information and peddled it as nefarious back-channel communications between Trump and a Kremlin-linked financial institution called Alfa Bank. By doing that, the Mainstream Media controlled by the Democratic Party, broadcasts insinuations that Trump and his associates were secretly communicating with Russia. The Mainstream Media ran with everything that was fed to them and declared that a sitting U.S. President, Donald Trump, was in cahoots with Russia. 

Never mind that most of what that tech company's criminals found on the Trump Tower computer was simply routine Internet traffic such as computer-generated and automated advertising. Yes, the same stuff that Americans get every day on our own computers. Never mind that that information was mundane and meant nothing. Let's remember that President Trump was the victim of an insidious secret surveillance operation and smear campaign by his political opponent in the 2016 presidential election. 

Here's something that should worry all of us. Hillary Clinton's operatives in that tech company who were able to criminally access Donald Trump's computer in Trump Tower -- also had access to the computer that President Donald Trump used in the Oval Office as President. Hilary Clinton knew about this, she engineered this, she orchestrated this, and she enabled these crimes to take place. It was the efforts of Hillary Clinton that ultimately led to only the third presidential impeachment in U.S. history.

According to a report from the CATO Institute: The Mueller Report did not find evidence to warrant any criminal indictments regarding offenses having to do with those central accusations—not against Trump, his associates, or any other American. Specifically, the report stated: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald provided a succinct summary of the results, asserting that Mueller “did not merely reject the Trump-Russia conspiracy theories. He obliterated them.” Greenwald added: “Several of the media’s most breathless and hyped ‘bombshells’ were dismissed completely.”

Of course, there was no evidence of Russian collusion because there was no "Russian Collusion." It was a hoax created by Hillary Clinton and her associates. We know this because it came out in the Durham Report. We know from that report that she did her dirty work while maintaining distance and separation through an elaborate chain of people which the Durham Report points out. Yes, as some have said, "It was akin to a money laundering scheme, except dirty information was being washed."

Clinton's associates lied to the FBI -- it is a crime to provide a law enforcement agency such as the FBI with knowingly false information. We're not only talking about mere fraud. We're talking about a conspiracy to defraud the government.

According to sources, "The [Hillary] Clinton secret surveillance ring sounds very much like a criminal enterprise engaged in an illegal scheme involving fraud and obstruction of justice. As with any well-organized criminal exercise, it is exceedingly difficult to nab the person at the top. Hillary Clinton is no different. She carried out her machinations in smart and clever ways. She had others do her dirty work for her and maintained a distance separated through an elaborate chain of people. It was akin to a money laundering scheme, except dirty information was being washed. Unless people in the chain break their silence and implicate Hillary, she will likely escape culpability. 

Evidence of her role has slowly emerged from declassified records. It was July 26, 2016, when Clinton personally approved the plot to vilify Trump with the bogus collusion claims, according to CIA documents. The genesis of the smear came from Hillary herself as a strategy to distract from her own email scandal. Two days later, President Obama was alerted but appears to have done nothing except keep the matter concealed. Intelligence officials then sent an investigative referral on Clinton to then-FBI Director James Comey and his deputy, Peter Strzok. Predictably, it was buried."

After reading the above link and other sources, I really believe all of the evidence points to Hillary Clinton as the mastermind who invented the elaborate "Russia-Collusion Hoax." From everything that I've read, it's my opinion that she engineered the entire Russia-Collusion Hoax, financed it, orchestrated it, and circulated it to the media and government agencies including the Department of Justice and the FBI. 

And while I truly believe it was a planned coup to take over the government by removing President Trump from office, the Russian-Collusion Hoax served a few purposes for the Democrat Party. First, it kept President Trump constantly on the defense instead of allowing him the opportunity to focus on fixing many of our problems. Second, it served to divide the nation -- and that is how Democrats like things. Third, it took the focus off any good that was taking place in the nation and diverted it to the "Russia, Russia, Russia" news for the entire time he was in office. 

Make no mistake, in the long run, no one will ever ask why Hillary Clinton, James Comey, or Peter Strzok, among many others, weren't charged with conspiracy or treason. While there are many of us who still believe that those people should be brought to justice, I doubt that will ever happen. Don't get me wrong here. While I don't think those people will ever be tried for treason as they should, I believe Americans need to see it happen -- just to prove that no one is really above the law. 

All in all, the Democrat-controlled Mainstream Media adores Hillary Clinton and because of that they will bury what she did, or play it down as if to say "She had less of a hand in it than most think." That, of course, would be another huge lie since she was behind the whole hoax -- a hoax meant to defraud the American people which is a clear violation of the law. 

923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States: To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money, but it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest. 

"Deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest," is Hillary Clinton's legacy. But before we talk about Hillary Clinton's legacy, since that's what her being awarded the Medal of Freedom was all about, I've been thinking lately about former president Jimmy Carter's death the other day. He lived to be 100 years old. 

To me, Carter lived long enough to see Joe Biden take up the mantle of being the worst President in American History. I was thinking about how people are coming forward right now saying how Carter was such a "Good man." And yes, I agree that he might have been a "Good man." But he was a lousy President. 

That brings me to one's legacy. I remember the Carter years very well. Those years were a constant financial struggle. Carter became president the year my first enlistment in the Marine Corps had ended. I remember him stopping our training and wanting to allow women Marines in front-line units in combat. I remember how a lot of problems were created to appease politicians who were into experimenting with Social Engineering in our military. Yes, problems arose because American men have been raised to believe that there should be a respected separation between the sexes -- and Americans weren't ready for co-ed military units. 

I also remember a lot of talk going around about how President Carter wanted to cut our pay. I remember thinking that the $433 a month pay that I was getting at the time as a Sergeant was already stretched thin as it was. 

Once my enlistment was up, I remember entering the world of the toughest economic times since the Great Depression. And to add insult to injury, I remember how Carter was so preoccupied with the affairs of foreign countries that he didn't seem to have time to address our problems. 

By the way, it really was the toughest economic times since the Great Depression. And for those of you who have heard me say it before, I'll say it again: Jimmy Carter was the Herbert Hoover of the later part of the 20th Century. 

Under Carter, we had an 18% Mortgage Interest Rate, a 16% Unemployment Rate and 14% Inflation Rate. And those were just "the official" numbers. Most thought at the time that the double-digit inflation, unemployment, and interest rates were much higher than what was being reported. Of course today they are downplayed to make his administration look better. But for many of us on the low end of the workforce, we remember it well. 

I remember standing in a line with over 300 other guys hoping to get one of the three positions offered at a warehouse. I also remember standing out in the cold rain waiting for a boss to pick four men out of about 60 of us to work a construction job. I remember getting jobs because I knew someone. I remember how tough times were. And yes, I remember Carter caring more about what was happening overseas than at home. It was the "Economy Stupid" even back then, and he didn't get it. 

That's the legacy of Jimmy Carter that I'll remember. Was Carter a good man? He probably was, but there are many of us who will remember that he should not have been president because he was lousy at it.  

So now, can the Democrat-controlled Mainstream Media spin the facts to make Hillary Clinton look like a good woman who "contributed to the American people" in a positive way? They can. But really, we all know better.

 United States Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens

We will remember that at 9:40 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, members of Ansar al-Sharia attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi. The attack took place over a 13-hour period and resulted in the United States Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans being butchered. 

At the time, a Marine Detachment, a combat-ready rifle platoon, was 45 minutes away in the Mediterranean Sea. The Marines saddled up and were on standby but were not sent in. The decision not to send any help to Benghazi was left up to Hillary Clinton who was U.S. Secretary of State at the time.

So yes, we know her legacy is one of political dirty tricks and conniving, of a woman who decidedly left Americans to be tortured and be dragged in the streets of Benghazi when help was minutes away. We will always remember the condescending power hunger woman candidate who appeared on television to ask Americans, "What difference does it make?’ -- when answering questions about how she let those Americans die in Benghazi. 

Of course, getting on television to lambast Americans about her low polling numbers wasn't smart. But then again, neither was her calling half of the American people, "Deplorables." 

The Mainstream Media and the Democrat Party can try to rewrite her history, but most of us who had our eyes open watching her and her husband over the years know exactly what sort of notorious individual she is. It's sort of sad to think that her cold demeanor, one that reeks of some sort of power-hungry personality, would be embraceable by anyone. But that's her ultimate legacy. And no, no matter how many awards and medals Joe Biden and the Democrat Party give her to try to rewrite her legacy - we'll always know that it just doesn't matter how the Left spins the truth -- because we know the truth of who Hillary Clinton truly is. 

No, she has not contributed to the American people in any sort of positive manner. She certainly hasn't upheld our values of virtue and honesty in the slightest way. So really, Joe Biden awarding Hillary Clinton with the Medal of Freedom cheapens the award. It is pathetic to see and sadly makes it laughable at best. 

Tom Correa  

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