Saturday, May 25, 2024

Warren Earp Failed To Extort Money From Professor 1893

Reported in The San Francisco Call, Volume 74, Number 164, 11 November 1893,


One of the Earps Tries to Kill and Rob a Friend. 

Yuma, Nov. 10. — As Professor Behrens was coming from dinner today he met Warren Earp, who invited him to take a walk with him across the railroad bridge, which he did. 

When well on the bridge Earp seized the professor by the throat and attempted to throw him off the bridge, but he clung to his assailant and resisted till Earp said: "Give me $100." 

The professor said "No." 
"Then $50," when he said "No." 
"Then $25," when the professor said, "Yes, tonight" when Earp said, "I came here to kill you and throw you into the river." 

Both returned to town when Behrens swore out a warrant and had Earp arrested. He is now in jail under $500 bonds.

Warren Earp is the youngest of the Earp brothers, who made Tombstone famous in its early days. 

Behrens' neck is badly bruised and cut where Earp seized him. Earp said when arrested. "I may get two years for this, but remember I am on your track and will get you yet."

-- end of article.

Here's this from The Enterprise (Riverside), Volume VI, Number 62, 12 November 1893:

The telegraph brings word that Warren Earp, well known in this section, but who is now hibernating at Yuma, had gotten into a scrape at that place. It appears that Earp while out walking with a Yuma physician got into a quarrel with the latter, and the row occurring on a bridge, Earp threatened to throw his adversary off into the waters of the turbulent Colorado. To be released from taking the involuntary hath the doctor was forced to buy off Earp, so the story goes.

-- end of article.

In The Los Angeles Herald, Volume 41, Number 31, 11 November 1893, the news story stated:


Warren Earp Is At His Old Tricks ln Arizona. 

Yuma, Ariz., Nov. 10.—Warren Earp, one of the notorious brothers who terrorized Tombstone several years ago, was arrested today for assaulting Prof. Behrens. 

Earp induced the professor to walk across the railroad bridge with him, and when halfway across seized Behrens by the throat and attempted to throw him off the bridge. 

Behrens resisted successfully, and finally Induced Earp to let him alone by promising to give him $25.

-- end of article.

The San Jose Mercury News, Volume XLIV, Number 133, 11 November 1893 reported the story this way:


An Attempt to Extort Money From a Professor Fails. 

Special to the Mercury News

Yuma (A.T.), November 10.—Warren Earp, one of the notorious Earp brothers who terrorized Tombstone several years ago. was arrested today for assaulting Professor Behrens. 

Earp induced the Professor to walk across the railroad bridge with him, and when halfway across seized Behrens by the throat and attempted to throw him over the bridge. Behrens resisted and succeeded in inducing Earp to let him alone by promising to give him $25.

-- end of article.

A year earlier in San Bernardino, California, The Weekly Courier, Volume 6, Number 48, 26 November 1892, reported:

Sore Heads For Two

Last night in the M. and O. Saloon on Third Street, a Mexican named Joan Bustamenta and Warren Earp engaged in the pleasant pastime of cracking each other's heads. 

Earp got a blow on the nose which peeled that useful member somewhat, and Bustamente received a blow from a stick of wood on the side of the head, cutting and bruising him slightly. 

Another Mexican whose name was not learned figured slightly in the fracas. Earp and Bustamente both gave bail for their appearance this morning, but the third man laid out the night in the city bastille. Two sore heads is all there was left of the difficulty. Officers West, Clark, and Moesser made the arrests.

-- end of the article.

By now you're probably thinking, that Warren Earp was a real piece of work. And frankly, from everything I've read about him, he was just a cheap punk. It's said that he gained a reputation as a bully, playing off the reputation of his older brothers.

Some sources, believe it or not, list him as an "American frontiersman and lawman" because he rode with his brother Wyatt, Doc Holliday, "Turkey Creek" Jack Johnson, and Sherman McMaster seeking revenge after Morgan was shot and killed. But seriously folks, he participated in the ritualistic killing of Frank Stilwell in Tucson. The murder of Frank Stilwell resulted in the Tucson Grand Jury issuing indictments naming Warren, Wyatt, Doc Holliday, "Turkey Creek" Jack Johnson, and Sherman McMaster. 

It's true. Pima County Judge Charles Meyer issued warrants for the arrest of all five men for the murder of Frank Stilwell. Why all five men is because of the heinous nature of the crime. It was a murder where each man, Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, "Turkey Creek" Jack Johnson, Sherman McMaster, and Warren Earp, took their turn shooting their weapons into the corpse of Frank Stilwell.

When they did that while wearing Deputy U.S. Marshal badges, it proved to everyone that none of those men were what anyone can call "lawmen."

Tom Correa

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