I Blame Hollywood For The Movie Massacre In Aurora Colorado - Let's Ban Extremely Violent Movies!
Enough is enough! Hollywood is out of control! Let's bring back the Hays Code!
Popularly known as the Hays Code because of Hollywood's chief censor of the time, William Hays, the Motion Picture Production Code was a set of industry moral censorship guidelines that governed the production of most United States motion pictures released by major studios from 1930 to 1968.
It's time to reinstate the Motion Picture Production Code to curb copycat violence.
Why? Because their excuse for all of the blood and violence is realism, but Hollywood's idea of realism is not real. For them, realism is an America with a soaked in blood.
Hollywood seems to love carnage and destruction of human life. It's as if they seek to inspire it!
Hollywood's idea of realism is blood splattering and characters like the "Joker". Their idea of life is always "surreal" - and God, I hate the term "surreal"!
Surrealism is an event depicted to resemble a dream. Surrealism is defined as "a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature that sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind."
So have succeeded in their effort to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind?
Well, they have! They've helped release the creative potential of the unconscious mind of those bend on killing others!
And really, what I don't understand is why no one has called for a ban on these extremely violent movies. That's what should be banned in America - not guns, but the movies that inspire bloodshed.
Please understand where I'm coming from on this. Hollywood is over the top. They influence the public, like it or not. They can inspire greatness, and horrible acts from those wanting to copy what they see on screen.
No one ever walked into a movie theatre with the intent of killing as many people as possible before Hollywood put it in a film. Never in the history of the United States has that ever taken place - until Hollywood showed it in a movie.
Has anything like the Aurora Colorado movie massacre ever happened before? Yes, but only on film! And yes, James Eagan Holmes took notes!
Like an instructional video, Hollywood gave a detailed depiction of how it could be done. And yes, James Eagan Holmes took notes!
Who thinks of killing like that? Who came up with the idea first? Well, fact is, it was not the killer who massacred all of those people in Aurora. Fact is, it was the demented mind of someone in Hollywood.
Someone in Hollywood came up with the idea first. Someone else in Hollywood thought it was a great idea. Someone else said let's film it. A bunch of people were involved in the creation of the demented idea. And yes, Hollywood liked it enough to but that kind of carnage in a movie.
Someone liked it so much that he wanted to do it himself. Yes, James Eagan Holmes took notes!
And honestly, I really believe that James Eagan Holmes would have never have thought of doing it in the exact way he did it - if Hollywood hadn't put the idea in his head and instructed him how to get it done.
And now, there's more proof that Hollywood is responsible for the mayhem and mass murder?
Believe it or not, there are people out there who want to compete with Holmes and show who really can be the most evil "Joker." It's as if there is now a contest as to who can match the demented mind of "The Dark Knight" director Chris Nolan's evil "Joker" character?
Well, believe it or not, James Eagan Holmes has someone who likes what he did - and truly believes he can do it even better!
So much so that the "Copycat" is threatening his place of work in Washington, D.C.
Supposedly when "The Dark Knight" director Chris Nolan created Heath Ledger’s evil "Joker" character, he didn’t intent on inspiring deranged people to pick up weapons and imitate the behavior of a fictional mass-murdering clown.
Supposedly he didn't want the Aurora shooting to happen, yet that's what has happened. He may have started a trend for the insane. Follow Hollywood, and you too can be a maniac who wants to carry out horrible acts of violence.
Chris Nolan's demented idea of entertainment has given birth to James Eagan Holmes who shot up the theatre in Aurora, Colorado, and also now it appears that Nolan's "Joker" character has inspired more than we might know about.
James Eagan Holmes has competition for the title "Joker." So yes, no matter how sick they are - more are out there.
“We believe a significant threat has been averted,” officials said in a press conference today about the search of Neil Edwin Prescott’s home - where police and ATF officers found numerous guns and ammunition.
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Neil Edwin Prescott |
Law enforcement sources told News4 that Prescott made more than one phone call Monday to a coworker, in which he made threats toward his employer - a subcontractor for Pitney Bowes - which was ready to fire him.
Prescott was upset about prospect of losing his job and he told his co-worker, "I’m gonna load my guns and blow everybody up," according to a search warrant.
Law enforcement sources told News4′s Pat Collins that Prescott made threats - saying something to the effect of - "You don’ t know who the real Joker is. I am the real Joker."
When Pitney Bowes heard this alleged threat, they called authorities.
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Prescott's weapons |
Early reports indicated that he had 13 guns registered in his name, a number which dwarfed by the actual, terrifying arsenal that police seized, which included over 20 weapons, as well as 40 steel boxes containing 8 different kinds of ammunition.
Prescott was also arrested while wearing a shirt that read, "Guns don’t kill people. I do."
Prescott has not been charged with anything, having not committed any crimes yet, but is being evaluated at a mental health facility in the Washington D.C. area.
I guess since there's no crime for being as dumb as a bag of poi, he'll probably go home and do something very stupid later. And yes, I can only pray that the jerkweed doesn't hurt any one!
I know Hollywood will never take responsibility for what it encourages. Bringing back government regulation into the film industry by bringing back the Motion Picture Production Code (Hayes Code) is a step in the right direction.
It we stop film makers from trying their best to out-do each other with more and more violence. It will stop the sick from thinking that what they see in a film is possible.
Why should Hollywood scream for more environmental and social government regulation, when they aren't regulated - but should be?
Besides, since most in Hollywood are liberal big government types, I'm sure they wouldn't mind being regulated by the government. After all, it's for the children!
Let's Celebrate - The United Nations Failed At Obtaining Global Gun-Control For Now!
The United Nations member states have failed to reach agreement on a new treaty to regulate the multi- Billion dollar global arms trade. They have failed in their effort to have a say over our right to arm ourselves.
Some diplomats and treaty supporters blamed the United States for triggering the unraveling of the month-long negotiating conference.
Wow, a whole month! They think that that is all it takes to disarm Americans. They are obviously delusional!
For those wanting to disarm Americans, hopes were high! They thought their dream agreement was in reach on a revised treaty text.
But the United States announced Friday morning that it needed more time to consider the proposed treaty - and Russia and China then also asked for more time.
Why the need for more time? Well, a group of 51 United States Senators threatened to oppose the global treaty if it falls short in protecting our constitutional right to bear arms.
In a letter to President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Senators expressed serious concerns with the draft treaty that has circulated at the United Nations, saying that it signals an expansion of Gun-Control that would be unacceptable.
The United States Constitution's Second Amendment offers broad protection for weapons ownership by our citizens. And yes, we want to keep it that way.
As recently as 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed it when it struck down a ban on handguns in the District of Columbia, ruling that individuals have a constitutional right to keep guns for self-defense and other purposes.
The court also has ruled separately that treaty obligations may not infringe on individual constitutional protections and rights within U.S. borders. This goes back at least to a 1920 ruling that a migratory bird treaty with Canada, which prohibited the hunting or capturing of certain birds, was an unconstitutional interference with states' rights under the 10th Amendment.
Treaties are government-to-government agreements and usually do not subject citizens of one nation to laws of another or to those of an outside body. But try telling that to the all powerful United Nations who wants global control.
From pollution standards, to the fraud called Global Warming, the Gun-Control and the rise of Socialism, the United Nations agenda is clear. The U.N. sees itself above sovereign nations. The see themselves as a sort of one world governing body making policies, raising taxes, and controlling the world.
They want us to be citizens of the world, and not Americans. It's because of this that we must stand vigilant to guard our sovereignty as a nation independent from others.
Coffee the Wonder Drug: Multiple Studies Show it Fights Dementia, Diabetes, Cancer
A morning cup of coffee may boost more than just your energy level.
A slew of new studies suggest coffee – once derided as a harmful stimulant – may improve your health by lowering the risk of diabetes, dementia, heart disease, and even some cancers.
Scientists aren’t sure exactly why coffee is protective. It contains healthful antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols including chlorogenic acids, which have been shown to prevent disease.
Coffee also contains minerals such as magnesium and chromium that help the body use insulin, which controls blood sugar.
Caffeine may be a factor, too, but many coffee studies have found decaf to be beneficial as well.
"The health benefits of coffee come from the antioxidants and polyphenols," noted Dr. Robert Newman, a certified nutritionist based on Long Island, N.Y.
Dozens of studies comparing the health of coffee drinkers and abstainers have found potential benefits of at least moderate consumption. More than half of American adults drink at least three cups of coffee a day on average, according to the National Coffee Association.
If you’re one of them, here’s what you need to know about the new findings that have researchers abuzz about coffee’s benefits.
Type 2 Diabetes
Harvard researchers found that coffee consumption is “associated with a substantially lower risk of Type 2 diabetes.”
Specifically, men and women who drank more than six cups daily were 35 percent less likely to have Type 2 diabetes than people who drank fewer than two cups daily.
Those who drank less – four to six cups – had a 28 percent lower risk than people who consumed fewer than two cups a day.
Heart Disease and Stroke
Doctors were once concerned about the cardiovascular effects of caffeine because it can raise a person’s heart rate and even cause palpitations.
But a study released in March 2010 by the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research found coffee drinkers are actually less likely to be hospitalized for heart rhythm disturbances than non-drinkers.
A 2009 study of nurses enrolled in the long-running Nurses' Health Study found those who drank two to three cups of coffee a day had a 19 percent reduction in the risk of stroke.
Researchers from Harvard and the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid who conducted the study, published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, found greater consumption lowered the risk even further.
In May of 2011, Harvard researchers released a study showing men who are heavy coffee drinkers have a significantly lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
As part of Harvard’s Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, scientists tracked 47,911 men and found those who consumed six or more cups a day were 20 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer over two decades than those who drank none.
Coffee drinkers were also 60 percent less likely to develop a lethal form of the disease. And even men who drank just one to three cups of coffee were nearly 30 percent less likely to develop lethal prostate cancer.
The study, published in the “Journal of the National Cancer Institute,” found it didn’t matter if the men drank regular or decaf.
In 2007, Italian researchers also reported coffee may lower the risk of developing liver cancer by as much 41 percent, based on a review of 10 major studies conducted in Europe and Japan.
Dementia and Alzheimer's
Studies of coffee drinkers in Europe have linked caffeine to a lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
One 2009 study from Finland tracked 1,400 coffee drinkers for 20 years and found those who drank three to five cups of coffee daily in their 40s and 50s were 65 percent less likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s disease than nondrinkers or those consuming less. Several other smaller studies have reaching similar conclusions.
So please, have yourself a cup of coffee and feel good about what you're doing for yourself!
Deep Sea Explorers Find Sunken World War II German U-Boat Off Massachusetts
BOSTON – Divers have discovered a World War II-era German submarine nearly 70 years after it sank under U.S. attack in deep waters off Nantucket.
The World War II German U-Boat (submarine) U-550 was found Monday by a seven-man group, some of whom have been searching for several years.
German submarine U-550 was a Type IXC/40 U-boat of the Kriegsmarine (the German Navy of Nazi Germany) built for service during World War II. She was launched on 12 May 1943 and commissioned on 28 July under the command of Kapitänleutnant (Captain Lieutenant, or Lieutenant Commander) Klaus Hänert.
After training with the 4th U-boat Flotilla, she was assigned to the 10th U-boat Flotilla on 1 February 1944 in Lorient in Nazi occupied France.
She sailed from Kiel on 6 February 1944, heading for the North Atlantic, via the gap between Iceland and the Faroe Islands and conducted weather reporting duties before sailing for Newfoundland and subsequently the northeast coast of the United States.
On 22 February, a Catalina flying boat of No. 162 Squadron RAF unsuccessfully attacked the Nazi U-boat south of Iceland. Though she wasn't sunk, two members of the U-boat's crew were killed.
On 16 April, south of Nantucket Island, she located convoy CU 21, bound for Great Britain from New York City.
The SS Pan-Pennsylvania, one of the largest tankers in the world, was unwisely straggling behind the convoy. U-550 torpedoed her.
The Pan-Pennsylvania quickly caught fire and began to sink. As the vessel settled, the submerged U-boat maneuvered underneath her hull in an effort to hide from the inevitable counterattack by the convoy's escorts.
Convoy CU-21 was escorted by Escort Division 22, consisting of Coast Guard-manned destroyer escorts reinforced by one Navy DE, the USS Gandy (DE-764), which took the place of the USS Leopold (DE-319), which had been lost in action the previous month.
The escort division's flagship, USS Joyce (DE-317) and the USS Peterson (DE-152) rescued the tanker's surviving crew, while the Joyce detected the U-boat on sonar as the Germans attempted to escape after hiding beneath the sinking tanker.
U-550's engineering officer later said, "We waited for your ship to leave. Soon we could hear nothing so we thought the escort vessels had gone. But, as soon as we started to move, bang!"
The attack severely damaged U-550 and forced her to the surface, where the German sailors manned and fired their deck guns. The USS Joyce, Peterson and Gandy returned fire. Gandy rammed U-550 abaft the conning tower and the Peterson dropped two depth charges which exploded near the U-boat's hull.
The USS Joyce rescued 13 of U-550's crew, one of whom later died from wounds received during the fire-fight. The remainder of the U-boatmen went down with their submarine.The Joyce delivered the prisoners of war and the Pan Pennsylvania survivors to the authorities in Great Britain.
There is a grisly postscript to the sinking of U-550. According to the Eastern Sea Frontier's War Diary account of the sinking, some of the crew apparently survived the sinking and were trapped in a forward compartment. They tried to leave the U-boat as it lay on the ocean floor using their escape apparatus.
At 1515 hours, on 5 May 1944, the Coastal Picket Patrol CGR-3082 recovered a body from the sea at 39° 51′ NN. 71° 58′ W., about 93 miles (150 km) ESE of Ambrose.
The body was clothed in a German-type life jacket. From the markings on his clothing it was possible that the man's name was "Hube". A German escape lung was found near his body as well.
An autopsy performed on the body indicated that the individual died only five days before his remains were discovered – U-550 had been sunk on 16 April, the corpse was found 19 days later. The man was dead before the attack took place.
Two other bodies were subsequently found. The first, picked up by another picket boat, CGR-1989, at 1730 hours on 11 May, was fully clothed, had an escape lung and life jacket on. He was found in a rubber raft. Identification marks indicated the man was a German sailor named Wilhelm Flade, aged about 17. The body was transferred from CGR-1989 to CGR-1338 on the morning of 12 May 1944 and was brought to Tompkinsville on Staten Island.
On 16 May a third body was sighted and picked up by USS SC-630. It was stated that the uniform and insignia indicated the victim had been a German crewman, although he carried no identification; he had been in the water more than 18 days.
Further evidence is lacking to complete the apparent story of successful attempts made by certain men to escape from compartments in the vicinity of torpedo tubes or escape hatches. Curiously, the area was not entirely deserted by patrol vessels.
On the day following the torpedoing of the Pan Pennsylvania, a vessel was sent to the area to effect salvage operations or to sink the derelict tanker in order to remove such a menace to navigation. This merchant vessel spent some time in trying to sink with gunfire the still buoyant and burning hulk of the Pan Pennsylvania.
Questions were raised as to the possibility of some survivors having been able to reach the southern shore of Long Island, since the sub sank only 150 miles from Montauk Point - only 70 miles from Nantucket.
Although such considerations should not be dismissed, it is doubtful that men aboard the smallest type rubber rafts would be able to cover so great a distance without being detected before they reached shore.
The wreck of U-550 was discovered off the coast of Massachusetts on 23 July 2012, in waters about 70 miles south of Nantucket. A team of seven divers, lead by New Jersey attorney Joe Mazraani, located the wreck using sonar after a multi-year search. The team members were Joe Mazraani, Garry Kozak, Tom Packer, Steve Gatto, Eric Takakjian, Anthony Tedeschi and Brad Sheard.[7]
Mazraani said the next step is to contact any sailors or their families from the escort vessels, the tanker and the German U-boat to share the news and show the pictures. Another trip to the site is coming, he said, adding the investigation has just started.
It was the second trip in two years to the site by the team of divers, who were led by New Jersey lawyer Joe Mazraani. He said the group used sonar to locate the wreck in deep water about 70 miles south of Nantucket. The divers photographed the U-550, and Mazraani said a return trip is planned.
In April 1944, the U-550 torpedoed an Allied gasoline tanker, but was fatally damaged by depth charges from an escort vessel. Forty-four Germans were killed, and 25 aboard the tanker died.
There must be others, like me, who didn't know that German U-Boats were right of the East coast. It is incredible to think what else folks will find in the ocean. It's amazing what's down there.
On last thing about the U-550 attack on the SS Pan Pennsylvania, later a burial at sea was performed on the USS Joyce for deceased German submariner. And for someone else, a photo on the Coast Guard Website was provided by Captain Robert Wilcox, USCG (Ret.), the USS Joyce's commanding officer during her battle with the U-550.
Captain Wilcox wrote the following description on the back of the photo:
"Funeral services on board USS Joyce (DE-319) in North Atlantic Ocean, 18 April 1944, for ex-German Navy Machinist Wanz who died aboard Joyce from wounds received in fire fight between U-550 and USS Joyce, Gandy and Peterson on 16 April 1944.
An ex-German in our Navy died at the hands of a German U-boat, all while serving this country. Navy Machinist Wanz was should be remembered.
Department of Defense Team of Engineers and Cameramen Had Bottoms Up View Of Nuclear Blast, Lives To Tell The Tale!
July 19, 1957: Five men (and a sixth operating a video camera) huddle at "ground zero," awaiting a nuclear bomb that was set off overhead to demonstrate how safe nuclear weapons are.

George Yoshitake, Don Luttrell, and four other officers stood directly underneath an exploding nuclear warhead 55 years ago -- and lived to tell their tale.
The blast was just a test, a bit of Cold War marketing designed to make the concept of nuclear war less scary for the public, but the 2-kiloton atomic explosion set off over the Nevada nuclear test site (and over the heads of those six men) was very real.
But then again, nuclear testing was nothing new for Yoshitake in the early 1950s.
The former Department of Defense cameraman was responsible for filming nuclear tests for the military, and was therefore involved in several nuclear tests in Nevada and the Pacific -- always at a safe distance, anywhere from 5 to 20 miles from the blast.
On July 19, 1957, he was told to do something different and more dangerous than any of his other assignments.
“I had a call saying they needed me out for a special test,” the now 83-year old cameraman told Fox News.
“I found out when I got to Nevada that I was going to be standing at ground zero. It was going to explode 10,000 feet above me head!”
The government planned to detonate a nuclear weapon above a handful of men as a publicity stunt to prove that these weapons were safe if they were ever used for a counter attack against Russia.
"I had a baseball cap with me, and I said, I better wear that - just in case." - Department of Defense cameraman George Yoshitake
“The general public was afraid of nuclear weapons, with good reason,” 88-year old Major Don Luttrell, the only other member of the operation still alive, told “They were concerned about the danger of people on the ground if we fired nuclear weapons at enemy airplanes.”
Luttrell, who has a master's degree in nuclear engineering, believed that it was safe, so he and four Air Force colleagues volunteered for the demonstration.
“We stood at ground zero so they wouldn’t be afraid,” Luttrell said.
“I asked what kind of protective gear I was going to have, and they said ‘nothing,’” Yoshitake said laughing. “I had a baseball cap with me, and I said ‘I better wear that just in case.’” So with a baseball hat to protect him, Yoshitake joined Luttrell and the other volunteers in the middle of the Nevada desert
There they waited for what they called the “genie shot.”
“I never really gave it too much thought,” Yoshitake said when asked if he was fearful of the explosion. “When you’re young, you think you’re invincible and nothing is going to happen to you.”
Luttrell agreed. “I knew it would be all right. We all felt the same way.”
The five men huddled together on that clear July day looking up at the open Nevada sky, with Yoshitake filming as two F-89 Scorpion fighter jets fired an air rocket. “You could see the rocket streaking across the sky with a big white streak behind it,” Luttrell recalled. “The first thing you saw was a brilliant flash and then there was a wave of heat followed by the sonic boom which was quite loud.”
After the explosion and after all six survived, they celebrated.
“Everybody was running around and patting each other on the back. We lit cigars,” Luttrell said.
It had been 12 years since the United States dropped the atomic bomb over Hiroshima, and even though Yoshitake is Japanese, he had no hard feelings about the bomb or the experiment he was a part of.
“I thought dropping the bomb was necessary for ending the war as soon as possible,” he noted. “It’s too bad it was the Japanese who had to suffer.” But in the explosion that occurred just 10,000 feet above his head, nobody suffered … at the time.
Today, 55 years later, the seemingly safe operation may have had some serious side effects: all six members of the group have had cancer, with four dying of it, according to Yoshitake and Luttrell.
“In those days, nobody thought there could be any fear of developing cancer from these nuclear tests,” said Yoshitake who survived stomach cancer. “But … there must be some direct correlation between these tests and cancer.” Yoshitake noted that many of his “camera friends” who filmed similar operations developed and died of cancer; most in their 40s and 50s.
“In hindsight … it appears that it was not safe,” colon-cancer survivor Lutrell said.
Luttrell explained that the men never discussed if they felt the cancer was related to "genie shot," but he's confident no one involved would have made a different decision.
“I feel quite sure they never had any regrets,” Luttrell said.
“To me, it’s quite amazing that all that took place and I was a part of history,” Yoshitake said. “I’m glad I was able to be a part of it.” Yoshitake commented that he probably wouldn’t do it again if asked.
Luttrell on the other hand feels differently. “If things were the same, yeah I’d do it again,” he said.
You have to love his attitude! They are just great Americans!
This is great! Hope you enjoy this straight forward truth. This is a way that even kids can understand the difference.
Story by Tom Correa
I don't think we should ban violent Hollywood movies because of their disturbing content. And besides, that's not gonna stop Hollywood from wanting to show it. But what I DO think we should do is put up a disclaimer in the film that tells people what's gonna happen in the film ahead of time. Like for example, in a horror film, if one of the female characters gets raped by the main villain, we could put a capital R for rape in red ink. This will indicate that the character is being raped in the film. Or a capital B in red ink that can indicate blood, guts, and gore for when a character is killed in a way that is far too gruesome for children to see. Or a capital M for murder or mature audiences only. Or a capital S for sex. Or even a V for violence. An L for language. That sort of thing. Anything close to that kind of censorship will do. But please PC culture. Don't cancel our favorite Hollywood films like you did "The Golden Girls". Because we love them and we want them to stay. Some people love comedy, some love horror, some love drama, some love action, and some, like me, love Westerns. Do you really wanna take that away? Because if your answer is yes, then you might as well ban all books, guns, and other items you deem inappropriate. I can wait all day for that. But please. Leave our movies alone. Because sometimes TV sucks. And you can't always use the Internet. So until next time, this is your friend, Benny, along with Tom Correa, saying Adios, amigos, and as always, because you know sooner or later I'm gonna have to say it, GET YOUR OWN DORITOS.