What is Hate Speech?
Hate Speech is defined as a communication that carries no meaning other than the expression of hatred for some group, especially in circumstances in which the communication is likely to provoke violence.
It is an incitement to hatred primarily against a group of persons defined in terms of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, political preference, and the like.
Hate Speech can be any form of expression regarded as offensive.
David Guth, who is a journalism professor at the University of Kansas (KU) unloaded a volley of Hate Speech in a tweet targeted at NRA members and their children.
Guth turned to Twitter on Monday to say he would like to see the murder of children of National Rifle Association (NRA) members the next time there is a deranged gunman.
Imagine that! And yes, he's still working there!

He went on to say, "Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters, he continued. “Shame on you. May God damn you."
On Thursday, Ann Brill, dean of the university’s journalism school, said Guth’s views "do not represent our school, and we do not advocate violence directed against any group or individuals."
While the First Amendment allows anyone to express an opinion, Brill said, "that privilege is not absolute and must be balanced with the rights of others."
Timothy C. Caboni, university vice chancellor for public affairs, called Guth’s tweet "repugnant," then added that it was "truly disgraceful that these views were expressed in such a callous and uncaring way."
"We expect all members of the university community to engage in civil discourse and not make inflammatory and offensive comments," he said.

And now, many people, including KU alumni, say that Guth should be fired.
While I can't help but wonder if all of the Universities in America are filled with these sorts of horrible individuals, I also wonder if that's all the University is going to do about this.
The way I see it, if I were a student or a parent thinking of sending my kid to the University of Kansas, I'd ask myself if I'd want to attend or send my kid there?
If David Guth has proven anything, he's proven that a poor education is not worth paying for - and families should not spend hard earned dollars to send their children to the University of Kansas.
And yes, for certain not for jounalism classes where the Liberal Agenda is in full swing.
Story by Tom Correa
Who does this guy think he is? Promoting hate speech and thinking he can get away with it? That's hurtful, Tom. I try to be nice to everybody and if I feel like telling somebody to shove off I do it in the redneck fashion. "Bless your heart." That'll getcha through another day. But seriously, hate speech is unacceptable. Then the ones who get accused, arrested, or even banned come along and say, "You can't do this to me, that's free speech!" Then we get this "I'm Spartacus!" reference where a ton of people back them up. Yeah, sure, pal. You actually have a pass to say the N word or call me a retard. Shame on you. And to anybody that is promoting hate speech, in the words of musician Joe Dolce, "Shaddap You Face". Your friend, Benny.