Thursday, August 22, 2013

Stop Obama From Giving Away $$$ BILLIONS!

If It Is Not Illegal Already, Then We Need A Law That Stops The President From Giving Away Taxpayer Money Whenever He Wants To - But Especially When It Is Needed At Home!

For example, the Federal Government is running out of money to fight wildfires.

It's true, the Feds are running out of money to fight wildfires at the peak of the season and the U.S. Forest Service is diverting $600 million from timber, recreation and other areas to fill the gap.

So as the nation burns, and runs out of needed dollars to fight the fires, America needs a new law right now to stop Obama or any other president from giving away BILLIONS of dollars whenever he gets the itch to do it!

This morning, it was reported that the nation's top wildfire-fighting agency was down to $50 million after spending $967 million so far this year on wildfires - that's according to Forest Service spokesman Larry Chambers in an email.

Chambers says the $50 million the Forest Service has left is typically enough to pay for just a few days of fighting fires when the nation is at its top wildfire preparedness level, which went into effect Tuesday.

There are 51 large uncontained fires burning across the nation, making it tough to meet demands for fire crews and equipment.

Forest Service Chief Thomas Tidwell sent a letter Aug. 16 to regional foresters and other top officials telling them to come up with the cuts by Friday.

"I recognize that this direction will have significant effects on the public whom we serve and on our many valuable partners, as well as agency operations, target accomplishments and performance," he wrote. "I regret that we have to take this action and fully understand that it only increases costs and reduces efficiency."

It was the sixth time the Forest Service has had to divert funds since 2002, Chambers said.

The step comes as the Obama administration has been cutting spending on thinning national forests to prevent wildfires, and despite Congress creating a special wildfire reserve fund in 2009, known as the FLAME Act.

Congress dedicated $413 million to the reserve in fiscal 2010, but cut it to $290 million in 2011 and raised it to $315 million in fiscal 2012, according to Forests Service documents.

This year it dropped to $299 million after sequestration.

"The Forest Service, when it lobbied for the FLAME Act, said, `Look, if you give us this reserve fund for large fires, we won't need to raid other parts of our budget,"' said Andy Stahl, director of the watchdog group Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics. "The Forest Service instead used up the FLAME money and is now using other parts of its budget. That is giving the agency a blank check and it just keeps putting more zeros on it."

The mandatory budget cutting measure known as sequestration reduced the Forest Service budget by 5 percent, forcing cuts of 500 firefighters and 50 engines.

Wildfire spending by other federal agencies takes the total to $1.2 billion so far this year, according to the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho. That is more than half last year's total of $1.9 billion, and fast-approaching the 10-year average of $1.4 billion. There have been 33,000 fires that have burned more than 5,300 square miles -- an area nearly the size of Connecticut.

But wait a minute, how can we be out of money?!

The mandatory budget cuts did not stop President Obama from taking a $100 million vacation in Africa.

The "Sequestration" did not stop Obama from handing out checks to every country he's visited - especially during this last vacation.

Yes, his vacations cost the American taxpayer MILLIONS of dollars every few weeks because he takes "vacations" every few weeks.

He is the laziest President we've ever had. If he's not raising money for his political party, he's on the golf course on vacation somewhere handing out our money!

He gave $7 BILLLION dollars to Kenya. Yes, he gave $7 BILLION dollars to a country that is in the midst of a Civil War so that they can build a power plant that would be outlawed from being built here.

He gave $20 BILLION to Indonesia so students there can go to college. Imagine the gaul here!

I can't help but wonder if someone promised him a statue outside his old Mosque!

Yes, everywhere he goes, he gives away our money.

And since the Congress is the only branch of government that can legally spend our money - according to our pesty Constitution - how can the president get away with this crap when we are having money problems of our own here at home?

How can Obama get away with this?

The Hazardous Fuels Reduction Program was $500 million last year, went down to $419 million this year under the automatic budget cuts, and has been proposed to go to $292 million next year.

"The fires that are ripping through Oregon and Idaho and California and the West are just proof that the fire prevention policy is broke," Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., chairman of the Senate Natural Resources Committee, said from Lincoln City.

"There are nears of neglect. The fuel load builds up and it gets hotter and hotter on the forest floor. Then you get something like a lightning strike and a big inferno. Then the bureaucracy takes money from the prevention fund to put the fires out and the problem gets worse. The cycle just repeats itself again and again."

Wyden said he and other senators would be working hard this fall to overcome pressures to cut spending in order to restore funding for wildfire prevention.

Christopher Topik, a director of Restoring America's Forests for The Nature Conservancy, said he could not fault Tidwell for diverting money to wildfires.

"We can't allow our towns and forests to all burn down," he said. "It's also irresponsible not to fund (prevention efforts) because it is an expected disaster."

You would think so!

But guess what, freak'n Obama have given all the money away!

So yes, why not pass a law that says we take from these BILLIONS of dollars, those bullshit feel-good ego boasting Obama checks that he has written, and cancel them until after we take care of our towns being burned to the ground!

Maybe it's time that he gets off his ass, as well as the golf course, and start helping Americans in need!!

Story by Tom Correa


  1. This is how the troll operates. He just does not care, because he has a completely different agenda.
    We, the American voting public, without me, voted for this piece of dreck truly believing everything he said. Well, what's not to believe when he uses doublespeak, and people are so damned ignorant they can't understand this. Their agenda is not his agenda, no matter how many campaign speeches he gives. The old adage, after a while you believe your own lies, does not apply here.
    Hope your computer fund is still being floated. :)

  2. I whole heartedly agree! We need a law to stop our presidents from sending money to other countries until our own debt is paid and presidents should only be allowed to take 1 or 2 vacations a year! We need to take care of our own needs first!


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